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   Art. I.   In  General, §§ 11-1-11-11.1
   Art. II.   Water, §§  11-12-11-30
   Art. III.   Wastewater Generally, §§ 11-31-11-119
      Div. 1.   Generally, §§ 11-31-11-50
      Div. 2.   Service Charges; Collection, §§ 11-51-11-75
      Div. 3.   Building Sewers And Connections, §§ 11-76-11-105
      Div. 4.   Use Of Public Sewers, §§ 11-106-11-119
   Art. IV.   Emergency Telephone System, §§ 11-120-11-139
   Art. V.   Telecommunications Infrastructure Maintenance Fee, 11-140-11-159  (Rep. by Ord. 2005-01, 13, 1-10.2005)
   Art. VI.   Construction Of Utility Facilities In The Public Rights Of Way, §§ 11-160-11-189
See also chapter 2, "Administration"; chapter 3, "Business Regulations"; chapter 4, "Fire Prevention And Protection"; chapter 5, "Health And Sanitation"; chapter 8, "Planning And Development"; chapter 10, "Streets, Sidewalks, Driveways And Parking Lots"; chapter 13, "Fees And Rates"; § 2-356 et seq., sanitation and drainage inspector; § 7-312, preventing injury from gas pipes; § 8-66 et seq., plumbing; § 8-211 et seq., swimming pools; § 8-341 et seq., water supply and sanitary sewer systems in floodplains, of this code.
65 ILCS 6/9, 5/11-117 et seq., 5/11-124 et seq.; 220 ILCS.