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Sec. 8-141  Declared A Nuisance:
   Any building or part thereof, or any structure of like nature, in a condition dangerous to the occupants or those passing, or to any adjacent building, by reason of bad conditions of walls, overloaded floors, defective heating apparatus, violations from machinery, defective flues, confined or cramped stairways, insufficient exits, narrow or dark passageways, or which is unsafe or dangerous for the purpose for which it is to be used or intended to be used, or is in danger of being set on fire from any defect in its construction or is especially dangerous in case of fire by reason of its dilapidated condition or defective construction or from other causes, or which may be prejudicial to the public health or the health of the inhabitants of the neighborhood, shall be deemed and is hereby declared to be a public nuisance.
(Code 1972, § 4-5-1; Ord. 2016-20, § 1, 5-23-2016)