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   Art. I.   In General, §§ 9-1-9-15
   Art. II.   Regulations, §§ 9-16-9-155
      Div. 1.   Generally, §§ 9-16-9-24
      Div. 2.   Chief Of Police, §§ 9-25-9-40
      Div. 3.   Commanding Officers, §§ 9-41-9-48
      Div. 4.   Other Officers, Special Units, Etc., §§ 9-49-9-60
      Div. 5.   General Rules Of Conduct, §§ 9-61-9-130
      Div. 6.   Powers And Duties Generally, §§ 9-131-9-146
      Div. 7.   Complaints Against Officers, §§ 9-147-9-155
   Art. III.   Auxiliary Police, §§ 9-156-9-170
   Art. IV.   Property In Custody; Evidence, §§ 9-171-9-180
   Art. V.   Arrest, Trial Procedures, $§ 9-181-9-194
1 See administration, chapter 2 of this code; fire prevention and protection, chapter 4 of this code; motor vehicles and traffic, chapter 6 of this code; civil emergencies, § 2-381 et seq. of this code; police protection tax, § 2-401 of this code; emergency services and disaster agency, § 2-496 et seq. of this code; board of fire and police commissioners, § 2-576 et seq. of this code; police pension board, § 2-651 et seq. of this code; reports to police department by hospitals, § 3-481 of this code; police assistance to health officer, § 5-19 of this code; abandoned vehicles, § 6-41 et seq. of this code.
2 40 ILCS 5/3-101 et seq.; 65 ILCS 5/11-1-1 et seq.; 720 ILCS 5/31-8; 725 ILCS 5/107-1 et seq.; 765 ILCS 1030/1 et seq.
Prior ordinance history: Ord. 64-4, 3-5-1964; Ord., 4-16-1966; Code 1969, chapters 8, 8A, and 19, article 1; Ord. 71-12, 6-24-1971; Ord. 71-22, 10-21-1971; Code 1972, §§ 6-1-1, 6-1-2, 6-1-3, 6-1-4, 6-1-5, 6-1-6, 6-1-7, 6-1-8, 6-1-9, 6-1-10, 6-1-11, 6-1-12, 6-1-13, 6-1-14, 6-1-15, 6-1-16, 6-1-17, 6-1-18, 6-1-19, 6-1-20, 6-1-21, 6-1-22, 6-1-23, 6-2-1, 6-2-2, 6-2-3, 6-2-4, 6-2-5, 6-2-6, 6-3-1, 6-3-2, 6-3-3, 6-3-4, 6-3-5, 6-3-6, 6-3-7, 6-3-8, 6-3-9, 6-3-10, 6-3-11, 6-3-12, 6-3-13, 6-3-14, 6-9-1, 6-9-2, 6-9-3, 6-9-4, 6-9-5, 6-10-1, 6-10-2, 6-15-1; Ord. 70-5, 3-26-1970; Ord. 72-18, 7-6-1972; Ord. 74-25, 10-3-1974; Ord. 75-14, 9-4-1975; Ord. 77-40, 9-1-1977; Ord. 77-43, 9-1-1977; Ord. 79-1, 1-18-1979; Ord. 81-4, 1-15-1981; Ord. 81-16, 6-18-1981; Ord. 83-28, 8-18-1983; Ord. 85-15, 8-26-1985; Ord. 85-18, 9-23-1985; Ord. 85-26, 12-23-1985; Ord. 86-19, § 1, 6-9-1986; Ord. 87-17, 7-27-1987; Ord. 89-8, 5-8-1989; Ord. 89-13, 7-24-1989; Ord. 89-14, 7-24-1989; Ord. 90-4, § 1, 3-12-1990; Ord. 90-5, § 1, 3-12-1990; Ord. 90-8, § 1, 5-14-1990; Ord. 91-10, § 1, 6-24-1991; Ord. 91-11, § 1, 6-24-1991; Ord. 93-21, § 1, 8-9-1993; Ord. 93-22, § 1, 8-9-1993; Ord. 93-23, § 1, 8-9-1993; Ord. 93-24, § 1, 8-23-1993; Ord. 93-25, § 1, 8-23-1993; Ord. 93-26, § 1, 8-23-1993; Ord. 93-27, § 1, 8-23-1993; Ord. 93-46, § 1, 12-13-1993; Ord. 95-13, § 1, 6-26-1995; Ord. 96-21, § 1, 8-12-1996; Ord. 97-21, §§ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6-9-1997; Ord. 97-27, § 1, 8-11-1997; Ord. 99-29, §§ 1, 2, 8-23-1999; Ord. 2001-23, § 1, 5-29-2001.