Personnel Code
33.01 Definitions
33.02 Purpose
33.03 Applicability
33.04 Appointment of officials and supervisory personnel
33.05 Probationary period
33.06 Residency
33.07 Accidents
33.08 Dismissal
33.09 Outside employment
33.10 Grievances
33.11 Military leave
33.12 Leave of absence
33.13 Absence without leave
33.14 Special leave
33.15 Traveling expense
33.16 Retirement
33.17 Resignation
33.18 Work days and work week
33.19 Layoff and recall
33.20 Vacations
33.21 Terminal pay
33.22 Sick days
33.23 Obligation to citizens
33.24 Previously earned rights
33.25 Overtime pay
33.26 Holiday pay
33.27 Wage rate increase
33.28 Part-time police officers and firefighters
Department Supervisors
33.40 Composition and applicability