For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   DEPARTMENT HEAD or SUPERINTENDENT. Any elected or appointed person who has direct supervision and responsibility for personnel, records, funds, maintenance and service to be performed by a municipal department.
   ELIGIBLE. An applicant for employment in a position who has met all requirements of such position.
   EMERGENCY APPOINTMENT. An appointment to a position to meet an emergency situation.
   FULL-TIME EMPLOYEE. An employee whose regular hours of duty are a normal schedule work day and work week.
   MUNICIPAL OFFICER, MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEE. An officer differs from an employee of the city. Generally, an officer takes an oath of office, while an employee does not. The duties of an officer clothe him or her with discretion, and the power to bind the city, whereas the duties and services of an employee are purely ministerial.
   PART-TIME EMPLOYEE. Any person who works less than 40 hours per week or less than 600 hours per year; an employee whose regular hours of duty are less than a normal scheduled work day, work week or work month.
   RESIGNATION. A voluntary separation from city employment reported in writing and signed by the employee.
   TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT. An appointment to a position in the service of the city which is temporary or seasonal in nature.
(1999 Code, § 13-1-1)