The following wages and benefits are hereby established for the department of the city.
   (A)   The department supervisor shall be known as the Police Chief, and Fire Chief.
   (B)   Chiefs are salaried positions, appointed by the Mayor with advice and consent of the City Council.
   (C)   Salary increases may be determined annually and brought to the City Council for approval.
   (D)   The administration, with the advice and consent of the City Council, shall have the right to freeze any established salary at a time of financial crisis.
   (E)   Starting salary for all chiefs and increases shall be as follows:
      (1)   Fifty-five thousand dollars per year for Chief of Police.
      (2)   Forty thousand five hundred dollars for Chief of Fire.
   (F)   A cost of living adjustment (COLA) and/or merit salary increase may be determined annually and approved by the City Council. Any salary adjustments shall be voted on by the City Council as a separate vote and not by omnibus vote.
   (G)   After every five years of employment with the city, supervisor shall receive $25 per month of longevity pay.
   (H)   All chiefs shall receive a clothing/uniform allowance of the same amount and fashion as their respective department employees have.
   (I)   Holidays allowed to chiefs shall be consistent with what their respective department employees receive.
   (J)   Vacation days for chiefs shall be:
      (1)   One year to less than five years: ten days per year;
      (2)   Five years to less than 15 years: 15 days per year; and
      (3)   Fifteen years and over: 20 days per year.
   (K)   Sick leave shall be earned at the same rate as their respective department employees. At retirement and separation from employment (age 55 or older), up to 120 earned and unused sick days shall be paid in case at 33-1/3% of their final rate of pay.
   (L)   Chiefs may carry over no more than one week of vacation, or be paid out for more than one week per year.
(1999 Code, § 13-2-1) (Ord. 02-07, passed 1-9-2007; Ord. 04-20, passed 3-10-2020)