Finance Director
133.01   Notice of bids received.
133.02   Petty cash fund.
133.03   Investment of surplus funds.
133.04   Written contracts.
   Finance Director - see CHTR., Art. IV , §2
   Not to be Clerk of Planning Commission or Board of Zoning Appeals - see CHTR., Art. IV , §2(c); P. & Z. 1101.01 
   Salaries and bonds - see CHTR., Art. VII
   Finances - see CHTR., Art VIII
   Uniform Depositary Act - see Ohio R.C. 135.01
   Investment of funds - see Ohio R.C. 731.56 et seq.
   Recreation funds - see ADM. 151.03
   Admissions Tax - see ADM. Ch. 181
   Income Tax Administrator - see ADM. 191.2301 et seq.
   Applications for use of Town Hall - see S. & P. S. 951.03
   Cemetery fund - see S. &. P. S. 953.01
   Waste water inspection fee fund - see BLDG. 1367.11
   Administration of Transient Occupancy Tax - see ADM. 183.01 et seq.
   Public improvement contracts - see ADM. Ch. 158