1612.01 Referenced codes and standards.
1612.02 Enforcement responsibilities.
1612.03 Unlawful boarding or tampering with Authority/Department equipment.
1612.04 Damage/injury to Authority/Department equipment and/or personnel.
1612.05 General and required operational permits.
1612.06 Hazardous material references.
1612.07 Installation of fire suppression and permit fees; installation of fire alarm/detection systems and permit fees.
1612.08 Permit issuance; additional fees; cancellation fees.
1612.09 Board of appeals.
1612.10 Violations; penalties; municipal civil infractions; collection of charges.
1612.11 Definitions.
1612.12 Open burning regulation.
1612.13 Miscellaneous provisions.
1612.14 Flammable and combustible liquids and materials; aerosol products; business operations, storage, dispensing and identification.
1612.15 Explosive materials, fireworks and rocketry; requirements and prohibitions.
1612.16 Storage tank regulations for flammable and combustible liquids; aboveground and underground tanks; permits.
Fire code adopted - see F. P. Ch. 1610
Fires and fire protection generally - see M.C.L. Secs. 29.1 et seq., 41.181, 125.401 et seq., 750.240 et seq.
Fire Department - see ADM. Ch. 238
The codes and standards referenced in this code shall be those that are listed in Chapter 80 of Chapter 1610.01 and such codes and standards shall be considered part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference. Where differences occur between the provisions of this code and the referenced standards, the provisions, which establish the higher standard for the promotion of the safety and welfare of the public and the protection of the public, or as otherwise determined by the State of Michigan law, shall apply.
(Ord. 763. Passed 9-27-04; Ord. 893. Passed 5-4-15.)
On behalf of and under the auspices of the City, the Howell Area Fire Authority, through the Howell Area Fire Department, shall be responsible for fire prevention, inspection activities and code enforcement of buildings and occupancies as related to the risk of fire or explosion within the City. The function of the Authority and Department shall be the implementation, administration and enforcement of the provisions of this code and the codes and standards referenced in Chapter 80 of Chapter 1610.01.
(Ord. 763. Passed 9-27-04; Ord. 893. Passed 5-4-15.)
A person shall not, without proper authorization from the fire official in charge of said fire authority/department emergency equipment, cling to, attach to, climb upon or into, board, or swing upon any fire authority/department emergency vehicle, whether the same is in motion or at rest, operate any emergency warning equipment, or to manipulate or tamper with any levers, valves, switches, starting devices, brakes, pumps, or any equipment or protective clothing on, or a part of, any fire department emergency vehicle.
(Ord. 763. Passed 9-27-04.)
It shall be unlawful for any person to damage or deface, or attempt or conspire to damage or deface, any fire department emergency vehicle or equipment at any time; or to injure, or attempt or conspire to injure, fire authority/department personnel while performing authority/departmental duties.
(Ord. 763. Passed 9-27-04.)