The following subsections of the International Fire Code as adopted pursuant to Section 1610.01 of the Howell City Code are hereby amended as follows:
Section 312.2.1 Maintenance. It shall be the property owner's responsibility to provide and maintain this protection.
Section 507.5.4.1. Removal of obstructions. If upon the expiration of the time mentioned in a notice of violation, obstructions or encroachments to fire hydrant, or to other fire protection equipment, are not removed, the code official shall proceed to remove or have removed the same. The expense incurred shall be a debt to the local governing body from the responsible person and shall be collected as any other debt to the Howell Area Fire Authority.
Section 903.3.5.3 Required pressure margin. Due to unforeseeable and changing conditions within the water supply, the code official is authorized to require a pressure margin of up to 20 lbs. over the minimum design criteria for installed automatic fire sprinkler systems. Where this margin cannot be achieved, approved means shall be taken to provide this margin.
Section 912.2 Location. With respect to hydrants, driveways, buildings and landscaping, fire department connections shall be so located that fire apparatus and hose connected to supply the system will not obstruct access to the buildings for other fire apparatus. The location of fire department connections shall be within 100 feet of a hydrant and shall be approved by the code official.
Section 918.1 General. Precautions shall be taken in all rooms and areas containing fire sprinkler equipment such as piping, valve(s), and fire pump(s), to prevent freezing of said equipment during times of extremely cold temperatures.
(Ord. 763. Passed 9-27-04; Ord. 893. Passed 5-4-15; Ord. 926. Passed 7-22-19.)
The following subsections of the International Fire Code as adopted pursuant to Section 1610.01 of the Howell City Code are hereby amended as follows:
Section 2301.1 Scope. Automotive motor fuel-dispensing facilities, marine motor fuel- dispensing facilities, fleet vehicle motor fuel- dispensing facilities, aircraft motor-vehicle fuel-dispensing facilities and repair garages shall be in accordance with this chapter and the International Fuel Gas Code, International Building Code, International Mechanical Code, and the Michigan Storage and Handling of Flammable and Combustible Liquids Rules, as amended, or their equivalent. Such operations shall include both public accessible and private operations.
Section 2306.1 General. Storage of flammable and combustible liquids shall be in accordance with Chapter 57 and Sections 2306.2 through 2306.3, and the Michigan Storage and Handling of Flammable and Combustible Liquids Rules, as amended, or its equivalent.
Section 2306.7.8 Gravity and pressure dispensing. Flammable or combustible liquids shall not be dispensed by gravity from tanks, drums, barrels, or similar containers. Flammable or combustible liquids shall not be dispensed by a device operating through pressure within a storage tank, drum or container. Approved pumps taking suction from the top of the container shall be utilized.
Exception: (1) Tanks, drums, barrels, or similar containers used in farms or farm operations as defined within this code.
(2) Tanks, drums, barrels or similar containers used at one or two family residential dwellings.
(Ord. 763. Passed 9-27-04; Ord. 893. Passed 5-4-15; Ord. 926. Passed 7-22-19.)
The following subsections of the International Fire Code as adopted pursuant to Section 1610.01 of the Howell City Code are hereby amended as follows:
Section 5601.1.1 Explosive materials standards. In addition to the requirements of this chapter, NFPA 495 shall govern the manufacture, transportation, storage, sale handling and use of explosive materials, and the Michigan Explosive Law 1970 PA 202, as amended, or its equivalent.
Section 5601.1.3 Fireworks. The possession, manufacture, storage, sale, handling and use of fireworks are prohibited unless in compliance with the Michigan Fireworks Safety Act, being Act 256 of 2011, as amended by Act 65 of 2013, and as hereinafter amended, or its equivalent, and Chapter 1614 of the Howell City Code, as amended.
Section 5601.1.4 Rocketry. The storage, handling and use of model and high-power rockets shall comply with the requirements of NFPA 1122, NFPA 1125, and NFPA 1127, and the Michigan Model Rocket Law 1965 PA 333, as amended, or its equivalent.
Section 5608.1 General. The display of fireworks, including proximate audience displays and pyrotechnic special effects in motion picture, television, theatrical, and group entertainment productions, shall comply with this chapter and NFPA 1123 or NFPA 1126. Approved public displays shall be handled by an approved competent operator, and the fireworks shall be arranged, located, discharged and fired in a manner that will not be a hazard to property or endanger any person.
(Ord. 763. Passed 9-27-04; Ord. 857. Passed 7-9-12; Ord. 878. Passed 8-26-13; Ord. 893. Passed 5-4-15.)
The following subsections of the International Fire Code as adopted pursuant to Section 1610.01 of the Howell City Code are hereby amended as follows:
Section 5701.3 Referenced documents. The applicable requirements of Chapter 50, other chapters of this code, the International Building Code, and the International Mechanical Code pertaining to flammable liquids, and the Michigan Storage and Handling of Flammable and Combustible Liquids Rules, as amended, or their equivalent shall apply.
Section 5701.4 Permits. Permits shall be required as set forth in Section 105.6 and 105.7, and the Michigan Fire Prevention Code 1941 PA 207, as amended, or its equivalent.
Section 5704.2.9 Aboveground tanks. Above-ground storage of flammable and combustible liquids in tanks shall comply with Section 5704.2 and Sections 5704.2.9.1 through 5704., and the Michigan Above-ground Storage Tanks Rules, or their equivalent.
Exception: (1) Above-ground storage tanks used in farms or farm operations as defined within this code.
(2) Above-ground storage tanks used at one or two family residential dwellings where the water capacity of said tank is less than 1,100 gallons.
Section 5704.2.11 Underground tanks. Underground storage of flammable and combustible liquids in tanks shall comply with section 5704.2 and Sections 5704.2.11.1 through 5704., and the Michigan Underground Storage Tank Rules, or their equivalent.
Section 6101.2 Permits. Permits shall be required as set forth in sections 105.6 and 105.7 and the Michigan Fire Prevention Code 1941 PA 207, as amended, or its equivalent.
Distributors shall not fill LP-gas container for which a permit is required unless a permit for installation has been issued for that location by the fire code official.
(Ord. 763. Passed 9-27-04; Ord. 893. Passed 5-4-15; Ord. 926. Passed 7-22-19.)