1612.01 Referenced codes and standards.
1612.02 Enforcement responsibilities.
1612.03 Unlawful boarding or tampering with Authority/Department equipment.
1612.04 Damage/injury to Authority/Department equipment and/or personnel.
1612.05 General and required operational permits.
1612.06 Hazardous material references.
1612.07 Installation of fire suppression and permit fees; installation of fire alarm/detection systems and permit fees.
1612.08 Permit issuance; additional fees; cancellation fees.
1612.09 Board of appeals.
1612.10 Violations; penalties; municipal civil infractions; collection of charges.
1612.11 Definitions.
1612.12 Open burning regulation.
1612.13 Miscellaneous provisions.
1612.14 Flammable and combustible liquids and materials; aerosol products; business operations, storage, dispensing and identification.
1612.15 Explosive materials, fireworks and rocketry; requirements and prohibitions.
1612.16 Storage tank regulations for flammable and combustible liquids; aboveground and underground tanks; permits.
Fire code adopted - see F. P. Ch. 1610
Fires and fire protection generally - see M.C.L. Secs. 29.1 et seq., 41.181, 125.401 et seq., 750.240 et seq.
Fire Department - see ADM. Ch. 238