9.92.010: Definitions
9.92.020: Sale Or Use Of Pyrotechnics Prohibited; Exceptions
9.92.030: Times For Sale And Discharge Of Fireworks
9.92.040: Public Display; Permit Required; Fee
9.92.050: Public Display; Permit Application
9.92.060: Public Display; Location And Procedures
9.92.065: Permit Fees
A. All sales shall comply with the provisions of Utah Code Annotated section 53-7-222, as amended.
B. Except as provided under Utah Code Annotated section 53-7-222(1)(b), as amended, class C dangerous explosives, as defined in section 9.92.010 of this chapter, may not be possessed, discharged, sold or offered for retail sale.
C. Unclassified fireworks may not be sold, or offered for sale.
D. Holladay City incorporates all of the same rules and standards of retail related to the National Fire Protection Association as laid out in Utah Code Annotated section 53-7-222(3) et seq., as amended.
E. Nothing in this chapter shall be held to apply to the possession or use of signaling devices for consumption by railroads and others requiring them.
F. Nothing in this chapter shall be held to apply to the possession, sale or use of normal stocks of flashlight compositions by photographers or dealer in photographic supplies. (Ord. 2011-12, 6-16-2011)