9.52.010: Definitions
9.52.020: Board Of Health Powers And Duties
9.52.030: Complaint Investigation; Public Nuisances
9.52.040: Containers; Condemnation And Replacement
9.52.050: Dumping; Consent And Disposal Requirements
9.52.060: Dumping; Interpretation Of Language
9.52.070: Reserved
9.52.080: Garbage Hauling; Covering Of Vehicles
9.52.090: Garbage Hauling; Spilling On Streets Or Premises Prohibited
9.52.100: Garbage Hauling; Damaging Containers Or Littering Prohibited
9.52.110: Garbage Hauling; Dumping Area Limitations
9.52.120: Waste Disposal; Permission For Feed, Fill, Burning Or Other Acts
9.52.130: Waste Disposal; Rules And Regulations
9.52.140: Reserved
9.52.150: Waste Disposal; Receptacles To Be Provided
9.52.160: Receptacle Location Restrictions
9.52.170: Waste Disposal; Notice And Compliance
9.52.180: Waste Disposal; Dumping Restrictions
9.52.190: Accumulation Of Wastes Prohibited
9.52.200: Reserved
9.52.210: Reserved
9.52.220: Reserved
9.52.230: "No Dumping" Signs Furnished By City
9.52.240: Reserved
9.52.250: Placing Animals In Streams And Reservoirs Prohibited
9.52.260: Wind Blown Refuse Prohibited
9.52.270: Loose Trade Waste
9.52.280: Uncovered Garbage Prohibited
9.52.290: Loaded Vehicles On Streets
9.52.300: Spilling Refuse From Vehicles
9.52.310: Burning Of Waste
9.52.320: Collection Services Refused When; Evidence
9.52.010: DEFINITIONS:
For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms, phrases and words shall have the meanings given in this section:
APARTMENT HOUSE: A building comprising four (4) or more dwelling units designed for separate housekeeping tenements.
CINDERS: The residue of materials burned in boilers, furnaces and heating plants of public buildings, places of business, apartment houses, hotels and manufacturing plants.
COMMUNITY WASTE: Lawn cuttings, clippings from bushes and shrubs, leaves, sweepings from yards, tin cans, boiler ashes, newspapers, magazines, cardboard cartons and stove ashes, but not building materials.
GARBAGE: Swill and all animal, vegetable and food refuse from kitchens of residences, hotels, cafes, restaurants and places where food is prepared for human consumption.
MARKET WASTE: Condemned or decayed or unsound vegetables, meat, fish and fruit, and all waste and offal thereof from markets, stores and factories, and all vegetable waste from such markets, stores and factories.
NIGHT SOIL: The contents from privy vaults, cesspools, septic tanks, grease tanks and water closets.
PLACE OF BUSINESS: Any place in the city in which there is conducted or carried on principally or exclusively any pursuit or occupation by any person or persons for the purpose of gaining a livelihood.
PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND PLACES: Office buildings, theaters, garages, auto camps, hotels, clubs, churches, schools, hospitals or other places of similar character.
   A.   1.   Combustible trash, including, but not limited to, paper, newspapers, cartons, boxes, barrels, wood, excelsior, tree branches, yard trimmings, wood furniture, bedding;
      2.   Noncombustible trash, including, but not limited to, metal, tin cans, metal furniture, dirt, small quantities of rock and pieces of concrete, glass, crockery, other mineral wastes; and
      3.   Street rubbish, including, but not limited to, street sweepings, dirt, leaves, catch basin dirt, and contents of litter receptacles.
   B.   "Refuse" shall not, however, include earth and wastes from building operations, nor shall it include solid wastes resulting from industrial processes and manufacturing operations such as food processing wastes, boiler house cinders, lumber, scraps and shavings.
RESIDENCES: Buildings or dwellings comprising not more than three (3) dwelling units designed for separate housekeeping tenements, and where no business of any kind is conducted except such "home occupations" as are defined in the land use ordinances of the city. Condominiums shall be deemed residences for the purposes of this chapter.
STOVE ASHES: The residue of material burned in stoves and furnaces in private residences, but not the residue from furnaces in apartment houses, hotels, business houses, heating or manufacturing plants.
TRADE WASTE: All discarded wooden boxes, barrels, broken lumber, cardboard boxes, cartons, waste paper, leather, rubber, excelsior, cuttings, sweepings, rags and other inflammable waste materials, and all discarded trade or manufacturing refuse from stores, factories or other places of business which are not included within the definition of garbage, stove ashes and marked waste.
WASTE DISPOSAL CONTRACTOR: A person or persons engaged in the business of collecting, hauling or transporting through the streets of the city any garbage, community waste, dishes, cinders, trade waste, market waste, night soil, manure, dead animals, bones, or any noxious or offensive material or matter for disposal or for any other purpose. (1999 Code; amd. Ord. 2012-15, 9-20-2012)