General Provisions
54.01 Water Section created
54.02 Code Enforcement Officer to maintain valves and hydrants
54.03 Connections
54.04 Meters
54.05 Notice of water leak
54.06 Fees and charges
54.07 All water mains property of city
54.08 Applications for water use
54.09 Tampering with water system
54.10 Construction and installation standards
54.11 Impediments near fire hydrants
54.12 Ground water as potable water prohibited
Cross-Connection Control
54.25 Purpose
54.26 Application
54.27 Policy
54.28 Definitions
54.29 Water system
54.30 Cross-connection prohibited
54.31 Survey and investigations
54.32 Where protection required
54.33 Type of protection required
54.34 Backflow prevention devices
54.35 Inspection and maintenance
54.36 Booster pumps
54.37 Violations
54.99 Penalty