General Provisions
   154.001   Enacting clause
   154.002   Title
   154.003   Purpose
   154.004   Scope
   154.005   Definitions
   154.006   Effective date
   154.020   General provisions
   154.021   Nonconforming uses of land
   154.022   Nonconforming structures
   154.023   Nonconforming uses of structures
   154.024   Change of tenancy or ownership
   154.025   Nonconforming lots
   154.026   District boundary changes
Zoning Districts
   154.040   Zoning districts
   154.041   Maps
   154.042   Interpretation of district boundaries
   154.043   District regulations
Village Form-Based Code
   154.055   Statement of purpose
   154.056   Regulating plan and listing of districts
   154.057   Use regulations
   154.058   Dimensional requirements
   154.059   Building design requirements
   154.060   Nonresidential site design requirements
   154.061   Streetscape requirements
Use Standards for All Zoning Districts
   154.075   Residential uses
   154.076   Retail and services
   154.077   Auto services
   154.078   Lodging and restaurants
   154.079   Office and financial
   154.080   Medical and care facilities, senior assisted living
   154.081   Recreation and entertainment
   154.082   Civic
   154.083   Industrial
Residential Zoning Districts
   154.095   Statement of purpose
   154.096   Table of uses
   154.097   Area, yard, height and bulk requirements
MU-1, Municipal Utilities District
   154.110   Statement of purpose
   154.111   Principal permitted uses
   154.112   Conditional uses
   154.113   Area, yard, height and bulk requirements
PUD, Planned Unit Development Overlay District
   154.140   Statement of purpose
   154.141   Location of the PUD Overlay Zoning District
   154.142   PUD permitted uses
   154.143   PUD regulations
   154.144   PUD ownership
   154.145   Project design standards
   154.146   Procedure for PUD review and approval
   154.147   PUD applications
   154.148   PUD conditions
   154.149   Phasing and commencement of construction
   154.150   Effect of approval of PUD
   154.151   PUD fees
Supplemental Regulations
   154.165   Purpose
   154.166   Outdoor storage of materials
   154.167   Visibility at intersections
   154.168   Fences
   154.169   Temporary use
   154.170   Essential services
   154.171   Curb cuts and driveways
   154.172   Natural disasters
   154.173   Sign regulations
   154.174   Private roads
   154.175   Solar energy systems
   154.176   Emergency temporary dwellings
Site Plan Review and Approval
   154.185   Purpose of site plan review
   154.186   Buildings, structures and uses requiring site plan
   154.187   Application and fee for site plan review
   154.188   Planning Commission review of site plan
   154.189   Required data for detailed site plan
   154.190   Standard for site plan review
   154.191   Approval of site plan
   154.192   Expiration of site plan approval
   154.193   Flexible landscaping
   154.194   Performance guarantees
Special Land Uses
   154.205   Purpose of special land uses
   154.206   Authority to grant permits
   154.207   Application and fee
   154.208   Data, exhibits and information required in application
   154.209   Public notifications
   154.210   Required standards and findings for making determinations
   154.211   Determination and approval process
   154.212   Voiding of special land use permits
Off-Street Parking Requirements
   154.225   Off-street parking space required
   154.226   Plans
   154.227   Location of off-street parking areas
   154.228   Parking in residential districts
   154.229   Off-street parking area design
   154.230   Collective parking
   154.231   Determining requirements
   154.232   Schedule of off-street parking spaces
   154.233   Exception
   154.234   Off-street parking requirements in Central Business District
Off-Street Loading and Unloading Requirements
   154.245   Off-street loading, unloading space required
   154.246   Plans
   154.247   Off-street loading area design
   154.248   Off-street loading area space requirements
   154.260   Lighting
   154.261   Underground wiring
   154.262   Sidewalks/pedestrian circulation
Site Condominiums
   154.275   Purpose
   154.276   Definitions
   154.277   Condominium plan; required contents
   154.278   Condominium subdivision approval; additional regulations
Administration of the Ordinance
   154.290   Purpose
   154.291   Administration
   154.292   Duties of the Zoning Administrator
   154.293   Zoning compliance permits
   154.294   Certificate of occupancy; final inspection
   154.295   Fees, charges and expenses
   154.296   Public hearing notices
Board of Appeals
   154.310   Board of Appeals established
   154.311   Duties of the Board of Appeals
   154.312   Variance
   154.313   Interpretation of Zoning Ordinance
Appeals to the Board of Appeals
   154.325   Appeals, how taken
   154.326   Who may appeal
   154.327   Fee for appeal
   154.328   Effect of appeal; restraining order
   154.329   Notice of hearing
   154.330   Representation of hearing
   154.331   Decisions of the Board of Appeals to the Circuit Court
Amendment Procedures
   154.345   Initiating amendments and fees
   154.346   Amendment procedures
   154.347   Conformance to Court decree
Conditional Rezoning
   154.360   Intent
   154.361   Application and offer of conditions
   154.362   Planning Commission review
   154.363   Village Council review
   154.364   Approval
   154.365   Compliance with conditions
   154.366   Performance bond requirement
   154.367   Time period for establishing development use
   154.368   Reversion of zoning
   154.369   Subsequent rezoning of land
   154.370   Amendment of conditions
   154.371   Village right to rezone
   154.372   Failure to offer conditions
Legal Status
   154.385   Conflict with other laws
   154.386   Validity and severability clause
   154.387   Period of effectiveness
   154.999   Penalty
   Appendix A:   Regulating plan and Zoning Map