(A)   Parking. Each use shall be required to provide off-street parking in accordance with the requirements of §§ 154.225 to 154.234 of this code.
      (1)   Location. Off-street parking shall be located in the rear yard to the maximum extent practical. Parking may be permitted in the side yard where it is set back a distance equal to the building, does not occupy more than 40% of the frontage along the street and a three-foot tall brick screenwall that serves as an extension of the adjacent building is provided between the parking and the sidewalk.
      (2)   Shared parking. Uses on separate lots may enter into shared parking agreements. The amount of parking provided for all such uses shall equal the sum of the parking required for each individual use; provided, however, the Planning Commission may authorize a reduction in the total number of required parking spaces when it has been determined that two or more uses can be adequately served by the same parking spaces by reason of the characteristics of the land uses and their hours of operation.
   (B)   Bicycle facilities. All developments with parking lots shall be designed to accommodate bicycle travel by providing bike racks.
   (C)   Loading. Off-street loading spaces shall be provided as required by §§ 154.245 to 154.248 of this code. Waivers to loading space requirements may be granted by the Planning Commission for uses, such as offices or banks, where deliveries by truck will not be necessary. Loading and outdoor storage areas shall be located in the rear yard or within loading bays that are surrounded or enclosed by buildings and not visible from the street. Loading areas not within loading bays shall be screened from any adjacent use by a six-foot tall brick wall or other masonry material matching the primary building material.
   (D)   Landscaping and screening. Landscaping and screening shall be provided for as follows.
      (1)   Street trees. One street canopy tree shall be provided for each 40 feet of street frontage. Street trees shall be minimum two and one-half-inch caliper canopy trees.
      (2)   Parking lot landscaping. Parking lots shall be landscaped with one canopy tree for every ten parking spaces. Parking lots that are located in a rear yard and are not visible from the street shall be exempt from this requirement.
      (3)   Parking lot screening. Where parking is visible from a street, it shall be screened by a three-foot tall screen wall located between the parking lot and the sidewalk. Where a parking lot for a nonresidential use is adjacent to a residential use or district, a six-foot tall brick screen wall or wooden fence, as approved by the Planning Commission, shall be provided between the parking lot, including drives, and the residential use or district.
      (4)   Buffers. A ten-foot wide landscape buffer shall be installed between any nonresidential building and any adjacent residential use. The buffer shall include a three-foot high berm planted with one tree and four shrubs for every 20 linear feet of shared property line. Trees shall consist of minimum two and one-half-inch caliper canopy trees or minimum six-foot tall evergreen trees.
   (E)   Screen walls. Where required, screen walls must meet the following requirements.
      (1)   Height. All screen walls must be at least 36 inches in height measured from the highest grade on either side of the wall location.
      (2)   Construction. Walls shall be constructed of brick not less than eight inches thick and shall have a pointed, 45-degree limestone or brick cap that overhangs the wall not less than one-half inch on each side. Brick walls must be constructed on a continuous foundation.
      (3)   Ornamental fencing. Wrought iron fencing or other similar ornamental fencing may be used, provided its design uses brick piers and it is installed along with a continuous hedge row.
   (F)   Waste receptacles. Waste receptacles shall not be visible from the street and shall be located in the rear yard. Waste receptacles over 55 gallons in size shall be enclosed by a six-foot tall wall constructed of brick or other masonry material matching the primary building material. Multiple businesses may share a waste receptacle, provided there is a recorded agreement for shared use and maintenance. Uses with multiple smaller trash cans shall keep the trash cans in some form of screened enclosure.
   (G)   Outdoor lighting. All outdoor lighting used to light the general area of a nonresidential site shall be shielded to reduce glare and shall be arranged to reflect lights away from all adjacent residential districts or adjacent residences in accordance to the standards below.
      (1)   Light level. Light shall not exceed more than one-half foot-candle at a residential lot line. Light shall not exceed more than one foot-candle at a nonresidential lot line, except along the road frontage. The maximum light level on the site shall be ten foot-candles. Light levels under canopies, such as gas stations or drive-through banks, may be increased up to a maximum of 20 foot-candles.
      (2)   Direction of light. Outdoor lighting fixtures, including parking lot lights and wall-packs, shall be downward-directed, shielded, full cutoff fixtures. Lighting shall be directed toward and confined to the ground areas of lawns or parking lots, except for ornamental lighting. Ground-mounted floodlights must be directed onto structures in a manner that does not cause off-site glare.
      (3)   Ornamental lighting. Ornamental lighting, including pedestrian lighting and decorative wall sconces, may be permitted if approved by the Planning Commission. Decorative lighting must be designed to limit light spill onto adjacent properties.
      (4)   Pole height. Light pole heights may not exceed 20 feet in height. Additional pole height may be allowed at road intersections, as approved by the Planning Commission.
      (5)   Neon lighting. Exterior neon lighting is not permitted.
      (6)   Street lights. Street lights shall be required in the CBD along Michigan Avenue and Lake Street.
         (a)   Placement shall be coordinated with street tree locations and should generally be placed every 60 feet on center.
         (b)   Electrical outlets must be included in the light design to allow for decorative holiday lighting.
(Ord. passed 5-20-2009, § 4.3.6) Penalty, see § 154.999