Water Department and General Authority
50.01 Superintendent of Water and Streets
50.02 Duties of Treasurer; bond
50.03 Water Fund
50.04 Inspectors; identification
50.05 Employees; compensation
50.06 Accounting
50.07 Information at plumber’s risk
Rules and Regulations
50.20 Applicability
50.21 Water service connections; permit
50.22 Service pipes; separate connections
50.23 Service curb cocks
50.24 Right to shut off water
50.25 Temporary mains
50.26 Application for water service; responsibility
50.27 Disconnection and discontinuance of use
50.28 Unnecessary waste
50.29 Water meters
50.30 Connections for fire protection
50.31 Contractors’ services
50.32 Supplying others; additional sources of supply
50.33 Fire hydrants
50.34 After hours service call charges
Payment Procedures
50.45 Water rate schedule
50.46 Refunds
50.47 Accounts; responsibility for payment
50.48 Lien; foreclosure
50.99 Penalty