(A) (1) Pipe laid temporarily in the streets where there are no water mains must be laid in the line where water mains will be laid in the future, and if under four inches in size the service pipe must be of copper Type K or plastic at least 160 pound test from the main to the meter and from meter to the premises to be served. The location of the meter shall be designated by the village. Four-inch pipe or larger shall be cast iron.
(2) Temporary mains shall be laid at the expense of the party to be served through service.
(3) The permit for any temporary main shall provide that the size of such main shall be designated by the Water Department subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees and shall be of a size as to allow other party connections to be made to such main if requested by intervening property owners or to allow any further extension which may be deemed necessary by the Water Department.
(4) The Water Department shall determine on a just and equitable basis any amount due the original party granted a permit to lay such main, whenever any future permit for connection on such main is granted by the Water Department and shall be paid by party requesting such connection to party who laid such main under original permit.
(B) However, if at any future time, the village deems it necessary to extend its regular water service for the purpose of fire protection on any street or alley service and paralleling such temporary main, then all consumers being served by such temporary main shall abandon their service connection with such temporary main and establish a new connection with the regular village main so installed.
(C) All service connections with regularly laid village water mains shall be made before the beginning of any paving constructed on any street or alley so designated by the Board of Trustees to be paved. All property owners abutting such street or alley designated to be paved shall, upon being notified of such improvement, immediately establish such connections with the water main serving said street or alley ordered paved; provided, however, if such connection to water main is not made when requested, the village may, at its discretion, make such necessary connection before paving said streets or alleys and charge the cost of same to the abutting property owners served by said mains.
(D) No permit shall be granted for the opening of any pavement for the purpose of making water connections until a period of two years has elapsed after such paving.
(Prior Code, § 7-1-19) Penalty, see § 50.99