(A)   A curb stop box and shut-off for controlling the supply of water to consumers shall be placed on every service. When connections are made in streets or avenues, the stop box shall be placed 12 inches outside the sidewalk line on the street side; and when made in alleys, it shall be placed 12 inches outside the lot line. The cover of said stop box shall be maintained at the same height as the sidewalk or the surrounding ground. Where area walls or curb lines prevent the location of stop box and shut-off at the point indicated, they shall be placed immediately within the area wall or curb line. All stop boxes must be set on a line drawn at right angles to the main through the service corporation or connection in the main.
   (B)   Every service pipe must also have a stop and waste placed in the building within nine inches of the point where the pipe enters the building. Said stop must have a handle or wrench attached to turn the same, and be kept in working order at all times so that the water may be shut off by the occupant of the premises. There shall also be a gate valve placed on the outlet side of the water meter not more than three feet from the meter, so that the meter can be taken out or replaced without draining the pipe system in the building.
   (C)   All stop cocks on the line of service must have round ways of the same diameter as the pipe with which they are placed and with proper handles for turning on and off, and of a make and pattern approved by the village.
   (D)   Whenever a meter cannot be set on the premises without danger of freezing, difficulty of reading, or other cause inimical to the Water Department service, the village may demand the installation of an outside meter box and shut off; type to be designated by him, her, or them. In lieu of the stop box herein described, the Superintendent of Water and Streets may demand the installation of an outside meter box and shut off; type to be designated by him, her, or them. The stop box used shall be of a design approved by the village, and must have an unobstructed opening at least two inches in diameter and fitted with a substantial cover on which shall be marked the word “Water” in raised letters.
   (E)   The outside shut-off and stop box shall be under the sole control of the village’s Water Department and no one except an employee or person specially authorized by the village’s Water Department shall open the cover of such box, or turn on or off water; provided, however, that licensed plumbers may turn on or off water for testing plumbing or making repairs, but whenever so used, the shut-off must be left closed if found closed, and open if found open, by the plumber who uses it.
   (F)   Owners of premises, having water services which do not have separate curb stop cocks and boxes for each building or which otherwise do not conform to the requirements in this chapter at the time of its passage, shall be required to put in such curb stop cock or make such other changes as are necessary to conform to these requirements when so instructed by the village.
(Prior Code, § 7-1-17) Penalty, see § 50.99