(A)   The village may, when necessary, without notice, shut the water off in its mains for the purpose of making repairs or extensions or for other purposes, and no claims shall be made against the village by reason of the breakage of any service pipe or service cock, or from any other damage that may result from shutting off water for repairing, laying or relaying mains, hydrants, or other connections.
   (B)   The village’s Water Department shall give notice of shutting off water if conditions are such that it is possible to do so.
   (C)   When water is shut off for making repairs tn premises having water heat-coils in heaters, consumers should turn off the water at the basement shut-off and open a faucet in the hot water pipe and leave it open until water is turned on in order to protect piping and fixtures from excessive pressures from hot water or steam.
(Prior Code, § 7-1-18)