32.01 (Reserved)
32.02 Public Works Director
32.03 Director of Community Development
32.04 City Architect
32.05 Director of the Building Department
32.05A City Engineer
32.06 Housing Services Officer
32.07 Appointment of assistant secretary for Planning Commission
32.08 Animal Control Officer
32.09 Court Clerk
32.10 Community Services Officer
32.11 Director of Economic Development
32.12 Code Enforcement Officer
32.13 Stormwater Utility Director
(A) There is established in the full-time work force of the city the position of Public Works Director. The Public Works Director shall be appointed by the City Manager.
(B) The Public Works Director shall be responsible for the operations of the Public Works Department and for the inspection of construction and reconstruction of all streets, sidewalks, driveway approaches, storm sewers, and materials and testing within the right-of-way by private developers. He shall be responsible for such other activities and duties as may be assigned by the City Manager.
(A) There is established in the full-time work force of the city the position of Director of Community Development. The Director of Community Development shall be appointed by the City Manager.
(B) The Director of Community Development shall be responsible for assisting in the development of zoning codes and subdivision rules and regulations. The Director shall coordinate all staff activities relating to the physical planning of the city including the review and updating of the city's master plan and subdivision rules and regulations. The Director shall direct the activities of the Community Development Department that it will support and function in coordination with other departments. The Director shall be responsible for such other activities and duties as may be assigned by the City Manager.
(Ord. 9-1989, passed 2-6-89)
(A) There is established in the city the position of City Architect.
(B) The City Manager is authorized and directed to appoint a City Architect. The City Architect may be either an individual person, firm, or corporation.
(C) The City Manager is authorized to compensate the City Architect at such rates as may be mutually agreed upon by the City Manager and City Architect provided, however, that such rates shall be filed with City Council and approved by resolution prior to becoming effective.
(D) The City Architect shall perform such services as are required by the City Manager and by city ordinance, however, the City Manager may assign those duties to the City Architect as he, from time to time, deems necessary and proper for the efficient operation of the city.
(Ord. 31-1972, passed 5-15-72; Am. Ord. 5-19-83, passed 2-7-82)