   (A)   There is established in the city the position of City Engineer.
   (B)   The City Manager is authorized and directed to appoint a City Engineer. The City Engineer may be either an individual person or an engineering firm or corporation.
   (C)   The City Manager is authorized to compensate the City Engineer at such rates as may be mutually agreed upon by the City Manager and City Engineer; provided, that such rates shall be filed with City Council and approved by resolution prior to becoming effective.
   (D)   The City Engineer shall perform such services as are required by the City Manager and by city ordinances, however, the City Manager may assign those duties of the City Engineer as he from time to time deems necessary and proper for the efficient operation of the city.
(Ord. 67-1972, passed 12-4-72; Am. Ord. 38-1976, passed 7-19-76)
   (A)   The city has the authority to establish in the full-time work force of the city the position of Housing Services Officer. The Housing Services Officer shall be appointed by the City Manager.
   (B)   The Housing Services Officer shall be responsible for assisting the Housing Commission in the enforcement of the fair housing law. The employee shall also enforce Chapter 97. The employee shall perform such other duties and activities as may be assigned by the City Manager.
   (A)   The City Manager is authorized to designate a proper person to act as assistant secretary of its body to attend and take the minutes of its meetings and transcribe the same for the record and do other things necessary to assist the Commission.
   (B)   Compensation.
      (1)   A city employee designated by the Manager as assistant secretary of the Planning Commission or any city employee substituting for the assistant secretary, will be paid the normal salary as designated by the latest salary ordinance. Overtime rate will be paid if applicable.
      (2)   A person other than a city employee, who substitutes as assistant secretary in the absence of the assistant secretary is to be paid based on the current overtime pay of city employee designated by the Manager as assistant secretary. Compensation shall be based on the actual time spent at meetings recording the proceedings and transcribing the same as directed by the City Manager.
      (3)   If a person other than a city employee is designated by the Manager as his assistant secretary, the compensation shall be set by ordinance.
(Ord. 83-1970, passed 12-7-70)
   (A)   There is established in the city work force the position of Animal Control Officer. The Animal Control Officer shall be appointed by the City Manager.
   (B)   The Animal Control Officer shall be responsible for the enforcement of the city's animal control ordinances. He shall be responsible for the capture and impoundment of loose animals. He shall perform such other duties and activities as may be assigned by the City Manager.
   Animal regulations, see Ch. 96
§ 32.09 COURT CLERK.
   (A)   There is established in the city work force the position of Court Clerk. The Court Clerk shall be appointed by the City Manager.
   (B)   The Court Clerk shall be responsible for the records and funds resulting from Mayor's Court. He shall perform such other activities and duties as may be assigned by the City Manager or Mayor acting in his capacity as a judicial officer.
   (A)   There is established in the city work force the position of Community Services Officer. The Community Services Officer shall be appointed by the City Manager.
   (B)   The Community Services Officer is responsible for the coordination of volunteer programs enhancing the community, for encouraging maximum community involvement in the affairs of the city, for preparing informational material for the community, and for coordination of the city's beautification program and clean-up programs. The employee shall perform such other activities and duties as may be assigned by the City Manager.
(Ord. 43-1979, passed 10-15-79)
   (A)   There is hereby established in the city work force the position of Director of Economic Development. The person holding this position shall be appointed by the City Manager with the concurrence of City Council. He shall become a resident of the city within six months after appointment unless excused by the City Manager.
   (B)   The Director of Economic Development shall work to support and expand the existing commercial and industrial base of the community by coordinating and promoting commercial and industrial development.
(Ord. 2-1978, passed 1-16-78; Am. Ord. 5-1982, passed 3-1-82)