General Provisions
93.001 Purpose and scope
93.002 Definitions
93.003 Conflicts and interpretation
Public Nuisances
93.015 Public nuisances
Property Maintenance
93.025 Litter control
93.026 Vehicles and watercraft; storage and repair of
93.027 Buildings, structures and accessory improvements
93.028 Land
93.029 Blowing landscape waste
93.030 Treatment of vacant lots
93.031 Preservation of natural desert
Additional Violations
93.045 Additional violations
93.046 Each day separate violation
93.047 Barbed wire, razor wire, razor ribbon, concertina wire, electrified fencing, or similar features prohibited; exceptions
93.060 Presumptions
93.061 Enforcement options
93.062 Misdemeanor violations
93.063 Inspections
93.064 Voluntary compliance
93.065 Administrative consent orders
93.066 Civil complaints
93.067 Civil complaints; court appearance or failure to appear
93.068 Authority to issue criminal complaints
93.069 Jurisdiction and procedure of town court
93.070 Procedure for abatement petitions filed in town court
93.071 Procedure for emergency abatement petitions filed in town court
93.072 Restitution
93.073 Notice to abate
93.074 Service of notice to abate
93.075 Effect of notice to abate
93.076 Town may abate
93.077 Town assessment for abatement
93.078 Assessment lien
93.079 Emergency abatement
93.080 Declaration of structure unfit for human habitation
93.090 Appeals to Town Magistrate; authority and filing
93.091 Town Magistrate; hearing procedure
93.092 Town Magistrate; time extensions
93.093 Appeal from decision of the Town Magistrate
93.999 Penalty