1284.01 Intent.
1284.02 Parking Facilities Required.
1284.03 Units of Measure.
1284.04 Off-Street Parking Standards.
1284.05 Parking Spaces for Persons with Disabilities.
1284.051 Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment.
1284.06 Location of Required Parking Spaces.
1284.07 Allowance for Off-Site Parking.
1284.08 Allowance for Shared Parking.
1284.09 Deferred Construction of Required Spaces.
1284.10 Off-Street Waiting Spaces for Drive- Thru Facilities.
1284.11 Parking Design Standards.
1284.12 Loading spaces.
1284.13 Regulations for Access Drives.
1284.14 Improvement and Maintenance Standards.
1284.15 Parking Area Landscaping and Screening.
1284.16 Nonconforming Parking Facilities.
1284.17 Approval of Parking Facilities.
Parking generally - see TRAF. Ch. 452
Leaving children or handicapped persons unattended in parked motor vehicles - see GEN. OFF. 636.115
Loading space defined - see P. & Z. 1234.05
(a) Off-street parking regulations are established in order to achieve, among other things, the following purposes:
(1) To protect adjoining residential neighborhoods from excessive non-residential on-street parking;
(2) To relieve congestion so that streets can be fully utilized for the movement of vehicular traffic;
(3) To promote the general convenience, safety, welfare and prosperity of commercial developments;
(4) To lessen vehicular movement in the vicinity of intensive pedestrian traffic to promote safety and convenience;
(5) To provide regulations and standards for the development of accessory off-street parking facilities in accordance with the policies and objectives of the City of Fairlawn;
(6) To provide off-street parking and stacking facilities in proportion to the need created by each use; and,
(7) To provide for accommodation of vehicles in a functionally and aesthetically satisfactory manner and to minimize external effects on adjacent land uses.
(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11; Ord. 2020-021A. Passed 6-15-20.)
(a) Off-street parking facilities shall be provided as a condition precedent to the occupancy or use of any building, structure, or land. Every business in a Business (B) District shall provide driveway and parking space sufficient in area and design to assure that all parking, stopping or temporary storage of vehicles generated by such business will be confined within the lot lines of the premises, except as provided for in this chapter. Facilities shall be provided for the entire building or use in accordance with the regulations contained in this chapter whenever:
(1) A building is constructed or a new use is established;
(2) An existing building is altered and/or there is an increase in the number of dwelling units, seating capacity, the floor area of a building, or employees; or
(3) The use of an existing building is changed to a use that requires more off-street parking.
(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11; Ord. 2020-021A. Passed 6-15-20.)