(a) All uses that provide a drive up or drive-thru service wherein customers stop or wait in line in motor vehicles for service shall provide queuing space arranged on the premises in single or multiple lanes pursuant to the following:
(1) Food service and sales, vehicle washes, or similar uses - one hundred fifty (150) lineal feet,
(2) Pharmacies, dry cleaning, and similar low volume services - one hundred (100) lineal feet,
(3) Drive through financial services, including automatic teller machines - one hundred fifty (150) lineal feet.
(4) Width of each lane shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet.
(b) Reduction in Queuing Area. A shorter queuing area may be approved by the Planning Commission upon the agreement of the applicant to provide additional area if customers begin to stack on public streets or interfere with traffic flow.
(c) Vehicles Prohibited within the Public Right-of-Way. In any case, vehicles shall not be permitted to wait within the public right-of-way for service at such drive up or drive-thru facilities nor shall traffic hazards or nuisances be created.
(d) Access. No waiting/queuing spaces for a drive up or drive-thru service shall be permitted which would obstruct access into or out of any off-street parking space on the property.
(e) Location of Drive up or Drive-thru Services. Drive up and drive-thru lanes, queuing spaces, speakers, and order windows shall not be located in the required front, side, or rear setbacks including the required setback adjacent to street rights-of-way.
(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11; Ord. 2020-021A. Passed 6-15-20.)
(a) Off-street parking areas shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the following minimum dimensions set forth in Schedule 1284.11, Parking Design Standards, based on the angle of the spaces. Figure 1284.11 illustrates the requirements for each angle scenario.
45° | 60° | 90° | PARALLEL | |
(a) Width of Parking Space | 13 ft | 10 ft | 10 ft | 9 ft |
(b) Length of Parking Space | - | - | 20 ft | 23 ft |
(c) Width of Circulation Aisle(1) | 13 ft | 18 ft | 22 ft | 12 ft |
(d) Width of Double-Loaded Parking Module when Spaces Interlock | 51 ft | 56 ft | 62 ft | 30 ft |
(e) Length of Aisle to Curb | 19 ft | 19 ft | - | - |
Notes to Schedule 1284.11: (1) Circulation aisles having a width less than 22 feet shall be one-way aisles. | ||||
The width of the parking spaces and access aisles for persons with disabilities shall be in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as amended. Parking spaces for electric vehicle charging stations shall also meet the standards of parking spaces and access aisles for persons with disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as amended.

(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11; Ord. 2020-021A. Passed 6-15-20.)
Off-street loading spaces shall not be required, but if necessary, shall comply with the following:
(a) All loading spaces shall be located on the same lot as the use served and no part of any required setback, off-street parking area, or access drive thereto, shall be used for loading or unloading purposes.
(b) Access to truck loading and unloading space shall be provided directly from a public street or alley or from a right-of-way that will not interfere with public convenience and that will permit the orderly and safe movement of trucks.
(c) Streets, sidewalks, alleys or other public rights-of-way or other public property shall not be used for loading purposes nor shall vehicles be parked on such areas during loading and unloading.
(d) Off-street loading spaces shall not be used for repair or servicing of vehicles.
(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11; Ord. 2020-021A. Passed 6-15-20.)