1248.01 Intent.
1248.02 Performance standards.
1248.03 Existing uses and performance standards.
1248.04 Prohibited uses.
1248.05 Conformity to regulations.
1248.06 Essential services.
1248.07 Pending applications for building permits.
Road paving assessments in zoning districts - see S.U. & P.S. 1020.06
Districts and boundaries generally; Zoning Map - see P. & Z. Ch. 1246
Exceptions and modifications - see P. & Z. Ch. 1288
(a) Dangerous or Objectionable Elements. No land or structure in any district shall be used or occupied in any manner so as to create or adversely affect the adjoining premises or surrounding area, by impacting with elements referred to herein as "elements dangerous or objectionable to the general health and welfare," including any dangerous, injurious, noxious, or otherwise objectionable, artificial illumination, fire, gases, explosive or other hazard; noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odor, cinders, fumes or other form of air pollution; heat, cold, dampness, electrical or radioactive disturbance, condition or element; garbage, rubbish or waste. However, any use permitted by this Zoning Code may be established and maintained if it conforms to the provisions of this section.
(b) Incineration Facilities. No incineration facilities shall be allowed.
(c) Storage of Garbage. No garbage, rubbish, waste matter or empty containers, shall be permitted outside of buildings unless they are within an authorized trash enclosure.
(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11; Ord. 2020-021A. Passed 6-15-20.)
(a) Whenever it is alleged that a use of land or a structure creates or is likely to create or otherwise produce dangerous or objectionable elements, the Zoning Administrator shall make a preliminary investigation of the matter and, if concurring with the allegation, may employ a competent specialist or testing laboratory for the purpose of determining the nature and extent of such dangerous or objectionable elements and practical means of remedying such condition.
(b) Upon receipt of the findings and recommendations of any such specialist or laboratory, the Zoning Administrator may approve, partially approve or disapprove the measure recommended therein and, if approving or partially approving, proceed with the enforcement of such measures.
(c) The City shall bear the cost of the various tests, consultations or other investigations which are required herein, provided that the owner of the property under investigation shall reimburse the City for all such expenses in the event that operation or use of such property is found to be in violation of the provisions of this Code by the Zoning Administrator or, if contested, by the Board of Zoning and Building Appeals or a court of competent jurisdiction. Such reimbursement shall be made within thirty (30) days from the date of the final Zoning Administrator or Board of Zoning and Building Appeals ruling or court judgment.
(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11; Ord. 2020-021A. Passed 6-15-20.)