(a) The number of off-street parking spaces for each facility or use shall be determined by application of the standards set forth in Schedule 1284.04, except as otherwise provided for in this Zoning Code.
Community/Educational Facilities | Minimum Parking Requirement(a)(c) |
1. Place of worship, including convents and monasteries | One (1) space for every six (6) seats in the portion of the building to be used for assembly use plus one (1) space for every three hundred (300) square feet of a multipurpose room in a place of worship |
2. College, universities | One (1) space per three hundred (300) square feet of floor area |
3. Library, cultural institution or similar use | One (1) space per three hundred (300) square feet of floor area |
4. Kindergarten, child or adult day care center | Two (2) spaces per classroom but not less than six (6) spaces for the building |
5. Elementary and junior high schools | Two (2) spaces per class room plus one (1) space for every four (4) seats in the largest auditorium or assembly room |
6. High School | One (1) space for every teacher, employee and administrator, plus one (1) space per seven (7) students, plus one (1) space for every four (4) seats in the largest auditorium or sports arena |
7. School, specialty/personal instruction | One (1) space for every instructor, employee and administrator, plus one (1) space for every two (2) students |
8. Municipal buildings | One (1) space per three hundred (300) square feet of floor area |
Residential Uses | |
1. One-family detached dwelling | One (1) enclosed space per dwelling unit plus two (2) open spaces |
2. Two-family dwelling | One (1) enclosed space per each dwelling unit plus two (2) open spaces |
3. Three-family dwelling | One (1) enclosed space per each dwelling unit plus one (1) open space per each dwelling unit |
4. One-family attached dwelling; cluster one-family detached dwelling | Two (2) spaces per dwelling unit at least one (1) enclosed in a garage, plus guest parking at the rate of one (1) space for every four (4) dwelling units |
5. Multi-family dwelling | Two (2) spaces for each dwelling unit, plus guest parking at the rate of one (1) additional space for each four (4) units |
6. Residential Uses in the R-6 District | See Chapter 1270 |
Schedule 1284.04 Required off-Street Parking Spaces
Schedule 1284.04 Required off-Street Parking Spaces
| |
Community/Educational Facilities | Minimum Parking Requirement(a)(c) |
1. Adult care facility and residential facility | One (1) space per two (2) beds |
2. Congregate care facility/Nursing home | One (1) space per two (2) beds |
Office, Professional Services | |
1. Office, administrative/business/ professional (excluding medical and dental) | One (1) space for every three hundred (300) square feet of floor area |
2. Banks, financial institutions | One (1) space for every three hundred (300) square feet of floor area |
3. Medical/dental/health services and/or clinics, including urgent care clinic | Four (4) spaces per one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor area |
4. Hospital | One (1) space for every two (2) beds, plus one (1) space for every three (3) employees |
5. Laboratories - research and testing | One (1) space per four hundred (400) square feet of floor area |
Retail/Personal Uses | |
1. Retail Business or personal service establishment (except as otherwise specified below) | One (1) space for every two hundred fifty (250) square feet of floor area |
2. Hotels and Motels | One (1) space for each guest sleeping room plus one (1) space for every two (2) employees |
3. Restaurants | |
- Restaurant (including bars/taverns) -Sit-down and counter service | - Ten (10) spaces per one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor area plus one (1) space for each delivery vehicle |
4. Funeral Homes, Mortuaries | One (1) space for each fifty (50) square feet of floor area of sitting or service rooms, plus one (1) space for each vehicle maintained on the premises |
5. Beauty salons and barber shops | Two (2) spaces per beauty or barber chair |
Schedule 1284.04 Required off-Street Parking Spaces
Schedule 1284.04 Required off-Street Parking Spaces
| |
Retail/Personal Uses | Minimum Parking Requirement(a)(c) |
6. Kennel | One (1) space per one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor area |
7. Nightclub | One (1) space per three (3) seats, plus one (1) space for every two (2) employees |
Automotive Uses | |
1. Vehicle repair garages; service stations with or without convenience store | Two (2) spaces for each service bay, plus one (1) space for every employee, but never less than five (5) spaces |
2. Car washes | Two (2) spaces per wash bay |
3. Automobile sales and service | One (1) space for each four hundred (400) square feet of floor area of sales room plus one (1) space for each auto service stall in the service room and one (1) space per employee |
4. Gasoline station/pumps | Two (2) spaces per pump + other use requirements |
Entertainment-Recreation | |
1. Theaters, sports facility | One (1) space for each four (4) seats |
2. Places of assembly including auditoriums, assembly halls, conference centers, membership clubs, community recreation facilities | One (1) space for every six (6) seats |
3. Commercial recreation, indoor | Four (4) spaces per one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor area |
4. Commercial recreation, outdoor | One (1) space per one thousand (1,000) square feet of recreation area |
5. Health club | One (1) space per two hundred fifty (250) square feet of exercise area, including locker and equipment rooms |
6. Golf course (nine (9) holes or more) | Eight (8) spaces per green |
7. Swimming pools, public or private (not associated with residences) | One (1) space for every five (5) persons, based on pool capacity |
8. Municipal Park Buildings | Based on use requirements within the building |
9. Parks, recreational fields/playground | Five (5) spaces per acre + other use requirements |
10. Bowling alleys | Three (3) spaces for every lane in the building |
(a) A minimum of five (5) spaces is required for each facility other than a one (1)-family detached, one (1)-family attached, two (2) or three (3)-family dwelling. (b) For the purposes of this Section, a shopping center shall include one (1) or more multi-tenant building(s) and/or group of buildings where the required parking spaces are provided in a shared parking lot. (c) Buildings having flexible floor arrangements for various business and ancillary uses, which will not be used for assembly (auditorium), shall be treated Office, administrative/business/ professional for calculating parking requirements. |
(b) Parking Requirement Reductions. The Planning Commission may approve a site plan with fewer parking spaces than required by Schedule 1284.04
according to the findings of a parking assessment when submitted according to the regulations of this subsection.
(1) A parking assessment shall be submitted with the site plan for all proposed uses according to the site plan review procedures set forth in Chapter 1240.
(2) The goal of this parking assessment is to document the applicant's request to provide fewer parking spaces than required in Section 1284.04. In reviewing the parking assessment, the Planning Commission may approve a fewer number of parking spaces, provided that the parking proposed shall satisfy the parking demands of the use without placing excess burden on other available parking facilities or in surrounding areas of the City.
(3) The parking assessment shall include a description of the use and its anticipated relationship to, and impact on the surrounding community. At a minimum, the assessment shall include the following:
A. The nature of the proposed uses, activities and events that will be accommodated.
B. The maximum design capacity of the facility.
C. The anticipated pattern of use, including peak hours.
D. The estimated traffic generation and parking demand, including the estimated number of parking spaces required at peak capacity.
E. The number of parking spaces required according to Schedule 1284.04 compared to the number of spaces proposed.
F. How the available spaces meet the needs of the proposed use.
G. Suggested parking management solutions to address any anticipated discrepancy between the number of parking spaces available and anticipated parking demand.
(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11; Ord. 2018-003. Passed 2-20-18; Ord. 2020-021A. Passed 6-15-20.)
(a) In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as amended, all new construction and alterations to places of public accommodation and commercial facilities shall provide parking spaces that are designed and constructed to be readily accessible to persons with disabilities.
(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11; Ord. 2020-021A. Passed 6-15-20.)
(a) The intent of this section is to facilitate and encourage the use of electric vehicles, to expedite the establishment of an effective electric vehicle infrastructure and establish minimum requirements for such infrastructure.
(b) Definitions.
(1) Accessible electric vehicle charging station means an electric vehicle charging station where the battery charging station is located within accessible reach of a barrier-free access aisle and the electric vehicle.
(2) Battery charging station means an electrical component, assembly or cluster of component assemblies designed specifically to charge batteries within electric vehicles.
(3) Battery electric vehicle means any vehicle that operates exclusively on electrical energy from an off-board source that is stored in the vehicle's batteries and produces zero (0) tailpipe emissions or pollution when stationary or operating.
(4) Charging levels means the standardized indicators of electrical force, or voltage, at which an electric vehicle's battery is recharged. The terms 1, 2, and DC are the most common charging levels, and include the following specifications:
A. Level 1 is considered slow charging with 120v outlets.
B. Level 2 is considered medium charging with 240v outlets, charging head and cord hard-wired to the circuit.
C. DC is considered fast or rapid charging. Voltage is greater than two hundred forty (240).
(5) Electric vehicle means a vehicle that operates, either partially or exclusively, on electrical energy from the electrical grid, or an off-grid source, that is stored on board for motive purposes. "Electric vehicle" includes:
A. Battery electric vehicle.
B. Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle.
(6) Electric vehicle charging stations (EVCS) means a public or private parking space that is served by battery charging station equipment that has as its primary purpose the transfer of electric energy (by conductive or inductive means) to a battery or other energy storage device in an electric vehicle.
(7) Electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) means any equipment or electrical component used in charging electric vehicles at a specific location. EVSE does not include equipment located in or on the electric vehicles themselves.
(8) Electric vehicle infrastructure means conduit/wiring, structures, machinery, and equipment necessary and integral to support an electric vehicle, including battery charging stations and rapid charging stations.
(9) Electric vehicle parking space means any marked parking space that identifies the use to be exclusively for the parking of an electric vehicle.
(10) Electrical capacity shall mean, at minimum:
A. Panel capacity to accommodate a dedicated branch circuit and service capacity to install a 208/240V outlet per charger;
B. Conduit from an electric panel to future EVCS location(s).
(11) Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle means an electric vehicle that:
A. Contains an internal combustion engine and allows power to be delivered to drive wheels by an electric motor;
B. Charges its battery primarily by connecting to the grid or other off-board electrical source;
C. May additionally be able to sustain battery charge using an on-board internal-combustion-driven generator; and
D. Has the ability to travel powered by electricity.
(c) Number of Required Electric Vehicle Charging Stations.
(1) All new or reconstructed parking structures or lots with fourteen (14) or fewer parking spaces shall be allowed, but not required, to install EVSE.
(2) All new or reconstructed parking structures or lots with at least fifteen (15) but no more than forty-nine (49) parking spaces, or expanded parking structures or lots that result in a parking lot with fifteen (15) to forty-nine (49) parking spaces, shall install EVSE as required below.
A. Multiple-family residential land uses shall have at least one (1) or five percent (5%) of required parking as Level 2 stations or better for resident parking (whichever is greater, and rounding up to the next whole number when there is a fraction).
B. Non-residential and mixed-use land uses with parking spaces available for use by the general public shall have at least one Level 2 station or better.
(3) All new or reconstructed parking structures or lots with at least fifty (50) parking spaces or expanded parking structures or lots that result in a parking lot with fifty (50) or more parking spaces, shall install EVSE as required below.
A. Multiple-family residential land uses shall have at least one (1) or five percent (5%) of required parking as Level 2 stations or better for resident parking (whichever is greater, and rounding up to the next whole number when there is a fraction), and one DC station for guest parking.
B. Non-residential and mixed-use land uses with parking spaces available for use by the general public shall have at least two percent (2%) of required parking as Level 2 stations with a minimum of two (2) spaces served by Level 2 charging, with at least one (1) station adjacent to a handicapped accessible parking space. In non-residential zoned districts, DC charging stations may be installed to satisfy the EVCS requirements described above on a one-for-one basis.
(d) Reductions to EVSE Requirements. When the cost of installing EVSE required by this chapter would exceed five percent (5%) of the total project cost, the property owner or applicant may request a reduction in the EVSE requirements. The applicant should submit cost estimates or other relevant documentation for Planning Commission consideration. Relief may be granted in the sole discretion of Planning Commission where the project is under consideration by them.
(e) Permitted Locations.
(1) Level 1 and Level 2 EVCSs are permitted in every zoning district, when accessory to the primary permitted use. Such stations located at single-family, two-family, and multiple family shall be designated as private restricted use only.
(2) DC EVCSs are permitted in the non-residential districts, when accessory to the primary permitted use.
(3) If the primary use of the parcel is the retail electric charging of vehicles, then the use shall be considered an automobile service station for zoning purposes. Installation shall be located in zoning districts which permit automobile service stations.
(f) General Requirements for Multi-Family Residential and Non-Residential Development Parking.
(1) Accessible Spaces. A charging station will be considered accessible if it is located adjacent to, and can serve, an accessible parking space as defined and required by the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). It is not necessary to designate the EVCS exclusively for the use of vehicles parked in the accessible space.
(2) Public use EVSE shall be subject to the following requirements:
A. The EVSEs shall be located in a manner that will be easily seen by the public for informational and security purposes.
B. The EVSE must be operational during the normal business hours of the use(s) that it serves. The EVSE may be de-energized or otherwise restricted after normal business hours of the use(s) it serves.
(3) Equipment Design Standards.
A. Battery charging station outlets and connector devices shall be mounted to comply with state code and must comply with all relevant Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. Equipment mounted on pedestals, lighting posts, bollards, or other devices shall be designed and located as to not impede pedestrian travel or create trip hazards on sidewalks.
B. Electric vehicle charging devices may be located adjacent to designated parking spaces in a garage or parking lot as long as the devices do not encroach into the required dimensions of the parking space (length, width, and height clearances).
C. The design should be appropriate to the location and use. Facilities should be able to be readily identified by electric vehicle users and blend into the surrounding landscape/architecture for compatibility with the character and use of the site.
(4) Usage Fees. The property owner or manager may collect a service fee for the use of EVSE.
(Ord. 2020-021A. Passed 6-15-20.)