   Off-street loading spaces shall not be required, but if necessary, shall comply with the following:
   (a)   All loading spaces shall be located on the same lot as the use served and no part of any required setback, off-street parking area, or access drive thereto, shall be used for loading or unloading purposes.
   (b)   Access to truck loading and unloading space shall be provided directly from a public street or alley or from a right-of-way that will not interfere with public convenience and that will permit the orderly and safe movement of trucks.
   (c)   Streets, sidewalks, alleys or other public rights-of-way or other public property shall not be used for loading purposes nor shall vehicles be parked on such areas during loading and unloading.
   (d)   Off-street loading spaces shall not be used for repair or servicing of vehicles.
(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11; Ord. 2020-021A. Passed 6-15-20.)
   The location and number of entrance and exit access drives to accessory parking spaces shall be in accordance with the following:
   (a)   Ingress and Egress. Entrances to parking spaces shall be only from an adjoining public street or alley or from a permanent private, access easement. Adequate ingress and egress to the parking lot by means of clearly limited and defined drives shall be provided for vehicles.
   (b)   Location. The location and width of entrance and exit access drives to parking facilities shall be planned to interfere as little as possible with the use of nearby property and with pedestrian and vehicular traffic on the nearest streets.
   (c)   Interconnected Drives. The Planning Commission may require parking areas serving adjacent business establishments to be interconnected by drives and designed to provide the maximum safety and convenience.
(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11; Ord. 2020-021A. Passed 6-15-20.)
   All driveways, parking areas, waiting areas, queuing areas, loading/unloading areas shall be constructed in accordance with standards established by the City Engineer and the following:
   (a)   Paving Specifications. Parking areas shall be improved with asphaltic or concrete binder or other durable and dustless pavement or surface approved by the City Engineer and the Planning Commission.
   (b)   Grading and Drainage. Parking areas shall be so graded and drained as to dispose of all surface water accumulation within the area. The design of the parking lots that reduce the surface runoff is encouraged, and the City Engineer shall have the authority to approve alternate surface treatments or grading.
   (c)   Illumination. All lighting used to illuminate parking areas shall be so arranged as to direct the light away from adjoining premises or streets, and no open light sources, such as stringing of light bulbs, shall be permitted.
   (d)   Marking. Any off-street parking area for five (5) or more parking spaces and all queuing spaces shall indicate the location of each parking or queuing space, the location of spaces for persons with disabilities, and the location and direction or movement along the aisles and access drives providing access thereto by painting upon the surface, by raised directional signs, or by markers or other similar measures placed in the surface.
   (e)   Signs. Signs may be provided only in accordance with Chapter 1298 , Sign Regulations.
   (f)   Maintenance. All parking areas, queuing spaces, and loading spaces shall be maintained in a manner to keep it as free as practicable from rubbish, paper and other loose particles, and snow and ice shall be promptly removed by the operator. All adjacent sidewalks shall be kept free from dirt, ice, sleet and snow and in a safe condition for use by pedestrians. All signs, markers or any other methods used to indicate direction of traffic movement and location of parking and/or loading spaces shall be maintained in a neat and legible condition. Any walls, trees and shrubbery, as well as surfacing of the parking lot, shall be maintained in good condition throughout its use for parking purposes.
(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11; Ord. 2020-021A. Passed 6-15-20.)
   (a)   Parking areas shall be landscaped, screened and buffered in conformance with the regulations set forth in Chapter 1296, Landscaping, Screening, and Open Space Regulations.
(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11; Ord. 2020-021A. Passed 6-15-20.)