(a)   The owner or developer of a proposed development in a Planned Multiple Dwelling Residence District shall submit a preliminary site plan to the Planning Commission who shall review and act on such preliminary site plan in accordance with the procedures in Chapter 1240. The preliminary site plan shall consist of the items in subsection 1240.06(a) and the following:
      (1)   A site plan - indicating layout of all sublots and structures, easements and private access drives;
      (2)   Elevation drawings;
      (3)   Planned provisions for storm drainage, sanitary sewers, utility services and facilities - on a copy of the site plan;
      (4)   Areawide traffic patterns, showing the proposed streets and drives and their relation to adjacent streets and arteries;
      (5)   A concept landscape plan - showing overall concepts for street trees, screening, buffering with material types (deciduous or evergreen) and a more detailed concept landscape plan for all types of structures proposed;
      (6)   A construction progress and completion plan.
   (b)   The developer shall deposit cash or security bonds with the Director of Finance for the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per unit but not less than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) to be used for the necessary planning and consulting services at the time of submission of the preliminary site plan to the Planning Commission. Any unused portion of these funds on deposit shall be returned to the developer upon completion of the project together with documentation of how consulting monies were used. The Planning Commission shall have the authority, in its description, to require the developer to pay additional sums, for, but not limited to, consultation, engineering review, testing and inspections, should the initial sum be insufficient.
   (c)   The Planning Commission, upon submission of such preliminary site plan, shall investigate and ascertain that such site plan is consistent with the criteria for evaluating preliminary site plans in Section 1240.07 as well as the following:
      (1)   The preliminary site plan protects the health, safety, morals, welfare and property value of adjoining property and districts by observance of the restrictions of such adjoining areas;
      (2)   Proposed drainage, sewage, utility and service facilities are of a size that will not overtax the capacities of present facilities;
      (3)   The proposed traffic pattern will not cause congestion in the neighboring streets or area arterial traffic routes or that traffic noise or lights will not create a nuisance to existing or proposed development;
      (4)   For existing developments, any conditions of approval, which may have been required at the time the development was originally or subsequently reviewed and approved, shall be considered.
(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11.)