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Fairlawn Overview
City of Fairlawn, Ohio Code of Ordinances
TITLE TWO - Planning
TITLE FOUR - Subdivision Regulations
TITLE SIX - Zoning Code
CHAPTER 1234 General Provisions and Definitions
CHAPTER 1236 Administration, Enforcement and Penalty
CHAPTER 1238 Zoning Certificates and Certificates of Zoning Compliance
CHAPTER 1240 Site Plan Review Procedures
CHAPTER 1241 Procedures for Conditional Use and Similar Use Approval
CHAPTER 1242 Board of Zoning and Building Appeals
CHAPTER 1244 Procedures for Zoning Code Amendments
CHAPTER 1246 Districts and Boundaries Generally; Zoning Map
CHAPTER 1248 Provisions Applicable to All Districts
CHAPTER 1250 Provisions Applicable to All “M” Districts
CHAPTER 1252 M-1 Municipal District (Institutional)
CHAPTER 1254 M-2 Municipal District (Parks & Recreation)
CHAPTER 1256 M-3 Municipal District (Quasi-Public)
CHAPTER 1258 Provisions Applicable to All “R” Districts
CHAPTER 1260 R-1 Single Family Residence District
CHAPTER 1262 R-2 Single Family Residence District
CHAPTER 1264 R-3 Single Family Residence District
CHAPTER 1266 R-4 Two Family Residence District
CHAPTER 1268 R-5 Limited Multiple Dwelling Residence District
CHAPTER 1270 R-6 Planned Multiple Dwelling Residence District
CHAPTER 1272 OC-1/OC-2 Open Space/Conservation District
CHAPTER 1273 Planned Unit Development District
CHAPTER 1274 Provisions Applicable to All “B” Districts
CHAPTER 1276 B-1 Limited Business District
CHAPTER 1278 B-2 Retail Business District
CHAPTER 1280 B-3 Business District
CHAPTER 1282 B-4A Office Park/Research District
CHAPTER 1283 B-4 Office Park/Research District
CHAPTER 1284 Off-Street Parking and Loading
CHAPTER 1285 Adult Use Regulations
CHAPTER 1286 Nonconforming Uses, Lots and Structures
CHAPTER 1287 Conditional Use Regulations
CHAPTER 1288 Exceptions and Modifications
CHAPTER 1290 Farm Animals
CHAPTER 1292 Antennas
CHAPTER 1294 Swimming Pools
CHAPTER 1296 Landscaping, Screening, and Open Space Regulations
CHAPTER 1298 Sign Regulations
   (a)   The purpose of this section is to set forth regulations, which control the establishment and operation of home occupations. The intent of these regulations is to control the nonresidential use of a residential dwelling unit so that the nonresidential use is limited to an accessory use and shall not in any way adversely affect the uses permitted in the residential district of which they are a part. Compliance with these regulations should result in all home occupations being located and conducted in such a manner that their existence is not detectable in any manner from the outside of the dwelling unit.
   (b)   A home occupation is permitted in residential districts as an accessory use provided:
      (1)   No wholesale or retail business shall be permitted unless it is conducted entirely by mail, telephone, or electronically and does not involve the receipt, delivery, or sale of merchandise on or from the premises;
      (2)   The residential character of the dwelling exterior and lot shall not be changed;
      (3)   No equipment or process shall be permitted or used in such home occupation that creates a nuisance by reason of generating any noise, vibration, glare, fumes, odors, electrical interference or which is determined unsafe;
      (4)   No window displays or signs shall be used to advertise any activity;
      (5)   The home occupation space including storage shall not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the dwelling unit floor area;
      (6)   The home occupation shall be conducted only by occupants of the dwelling unit;
      (7)   There shall be no outside storage of materials, goods, supplies, equipment, or other apparatus related to the operation of a home occupation;
      (8)   The business activity, including the storage of equipment, supplies or any apparatus used in the home occupation shall be conducted entirely within the principal dwelling unit and no use of a private garage or an accessory building shall be permitted, except that storage of equipment and supplies may be conducted in a private garage to the extent that at all times the number of vehicles for which the private garage was designed to accommodate shall be able to be parked in such garage;
      (9)   The number of automobiles, trucks and other motor vehicles attracted to the premise shall not be greater than that which is normally associated with the residential use including normal fluctuations in the level of residential activities. Client and customer traffic shall be limited to the hours between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.; and,
      (10)   Delivery vehicles used to deliver goods to the home occupation shall be limited to passenger vehicles, mail carriers, and express carriers, such as UPS and Federal Express. Deliveries shall only be permitted between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11.)
   (a)   Every lot shall abut on a street or shall have an exclusive, unobstructed private easement of access or right-of-way at least fifty (50) feet in width to a public street for one (1) one-family detached dwelling and at least fifty (50) feet in width for two (2) or more one, two-family or multi-family dwellings, except as noted in the R-6 Multiple Residence District.
(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11.)
   (a)   No lot, yard, setback, court, parking area or other space shall be so reduced in area or dimensions as to make any such area or dimensions less than the minimum required by this Zoning Code; if already less than the minimum required, it shall not be further reduced. No required open space or setback provided about any building or structure shall be included as a part of any open space or setback required for another building or structure.
(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11.)
   (a)   Double Frontage Lots. Buildings on lots having frontage on two (2) non-intersecting streets need not have a rear yard, if any equivalent open space is provided on the lot. However, the applicable front setback shall be provided on both streets.
   (b)   Yards Abutting Alleys. In computing the depth of a rear setback or the width of a side setback, where the rear or side yard abuts an alley, one-half (1/2) of the width of the alley may be included as a portion of the required rear or side setback, as the case may be provided that no building, where a side or rear setback is required, shall be closer than three (3) feet to a side alley lot line or ten (10) feet to a rear alley lot line.
   (c)   Front Setback Modifications. In any single-family “R” District, where the average depth of at least two (2) existing front setbacks on lots immediately adjoining (or, if not immediately adjoining, within one hundred (100) feet of the lot in question and within the same block-front) is less or greater than the minimum front setback prescribed elsewhere in this Zoning Code, the required setback of such lot shall be modified. In such case, the setback shall not be less than the average depth of such existing front setbacks on the two (2) lots immediately adjoining (or, if not immediately adjoining, within one hundred (100) feet or, in the case of a corner lot, the depth of the front setback on the lot immediately adjoining) provided, however, that the front setback on any lot shall be at least thirty-five (35) feet and need not exceed one hundred (100) feet.
   (d)   Side Setback Modifications.
      (1)   Side setback may be varied where the side wall of a building is not parallel with the side lot line or is broken or otherwise irregular. In such a case, the average width of the side setback shall not be less than the otherwise required minimum side setback, provided, however, that such side setback shall not be narrower at any point than one-half (1/2) the otherwise required minimum side setback or narrower than ten (10) feet in any case.
      (2)   Side setbacks may be reduced by three (3) inches from the otherwise required minimum of each side setback for each foot by which a lot of record on March 1, 1961, is narrower than the lot width specified for the district in which the lot is located, where the building to be erected thereon is not higher than one and one-half (1-1/2) stories, provided, however, that no side setback shall be less than ten (10) feet in any “R” District, except as noted for “R-6" Multiple Residence District.
   (e)   Rear Setback Modifications. Rear setbacks in an “R” District may be reduced by six (6) inches from the required minimum for each foot by which a lot, on March 1, 1961, was less than one hundred fifty (150) feet deep in an R-1 Residence District and one hundred twenty (120) feet deep in an R-2 or R-3 Residence District (as of March 1, 1961), provided, however, that no rear setback shall be less than forty (40) feet in depth.
(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11.)
   (a)   Certain architectural features may project into required setbacks or courts as follows:
      (1)   Front yards, side street, side yards and rear yards. Into any required front, corner side or rear setback, cornices, canopies, eaves or other architectural features may project a distance not exceeding two (2) feet, six (6) inches. Fire escapes may project a distance not exceeding four (4) feet, six (6) inches. An uncovered stair or ramp and a necessary landing may project a distance not to exceed six (6) feet, provided that such stair or ramp and landing shall not extend above the entrance floor of the building, except for a railing not exceeding three (3) feet in height. Bay windows, balconies and chimneys may project a distance not exceeding three (3) feet, provided that such features do not occupy, in the aggregate, more than one-third (1/3) of the length of the building wall on which they are located.
      (2)   Interior side yards. The features referred to in subparagraph (1) hereof may project into any required side setback adjoining any interior side lot line as specified therein, but shall be at least five (5) feet from the side lot line in any case.
   (b)   Fences. Fences, walls and various types of landscaping may be located in required setbacks as follows:
      (1)   Three (3) feet high. If not exceeding at any point three (3) feet in height above the elevation of the surface of the ground at such point, fences, walls and other types of landscaping may be located in any yard.
      (2)   Six (6) feet high (or less). If fences, walls or hedges exceed three (3) feet but do not exceed at any point six (6) feet in height above the elevation of the surface of the ground at such point, they may be located in any required rear or side setback, provided that on a corner lot, abutting in the rear the side lot line of another lot in an “R” District, no such fence, wall or hedge shall be constructed or placed along the common lot closer to the side lot line than the depth of the front yard of the lot fronting the side street.
      (3)   Maximum height. No fence shall exceed six (6) feet in any “R” District.
      (4)   Wooden or solid fence orientation. All wooden or solid-type fences shall be erected so that any posts and supports thereof face inward toward the residence of the property upon which the fence is constructed, that is, that the solid wood surface or other solid surface shall face outward away from the premises upon which the fence is erected.
(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11.)
1258.09 FRONTAGE.
   (a)   In addition to other area, width and setback requirements of this Zoning Code, a minimum frontage of ninety-five (95) feet upon a dedicated street in the City is hereby required, except for lots on cul-de-sacs which will have a minimum frontage of fifty (50) feet, and R-4 districts which shall have eighty-five (85) feet frontage, or unless otherwise specified.
(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11.)
   (a)   Any district, where neither public water supply nor a public sanitary sewer is accessible, shall be withheld from development, unless the required improvements relating to the installation of public water supply and public sanitary sewers, as set forth in the subdivision regulations, are fully complied with.
(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11.)