(a)   Preliminary Site Plan. An application for preliminary site plan review shall include a plan for the entire area of the proposed project and shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator. The preliminary site plan shall be drawn to an appropriate scale and shall include:
      (1)   The completed application form, along with the application fee;
      (2)   The location of all existing structures and access points;
      (3)   The general location of existing buildings, parking areas and access drives on parcels within two hundred (200) feet of the site;
      (4)   The general location of all proposed construction including buildings, structures, accessory buildings and structures, solar and wind energy facilities, parking areas, and access points;
      (5)   The location of existing and proposed topography, major vegetation features, and wooded areas;
      (6)   The general layout of the proposed internal road system, indicating the proposed vehicular right-of-way of all proposed public streets and pedestrian circulation;
      (7)   The general location of common open space; and,
      (8)   A summary table showing total acres of the proposed development, the number of acres devoted to each type of land use including streets and open space, and the number of proposed dwelling units by type.
   (b)   Minor and Final Site Plan. An application for final/minor site plan review shall be required for each phase of development. The application shall include the maps, plans, designs, and supplementary documents itemized below and shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator. The final/minor site plan shall be drawn to an appropriate scale and shall include:
      (1)   Written Statement.
         A.   A statement of the location of the property;
         B.   The present zoning of the property;
         C.   Name and address of the owner of the property;
         D.   Name and address of the applicant;
         E.   The relationship of the applicant to the property owner, if any;
         F.   A short statement reciting why the intended use would benefit the overall good planning for the City of Fairlawn.
      (2)   Final Site Plan.
         A.   The type of proposed building and its location on the site;
         B.   Exterior dimensions of the proposed building;
         C.   Dimensions of all setbacks, parking areas, drives and walkways;
         D.   Description of the site, with topographical maps showing existing and generally proposed grading contours, including integration into and topography on adjacent lands, all existing buildings, wooded areas and trees of substantial size, land within any flood plain district, the planned building usage, lot numbers and subdivision of plats;
         E.   Statement of usable (rentable) floor space in square feet for office or professional buildings;
         F.   Statement of seating capacity for restaurants, bars and taverns, funeral homes, and theaters, etc.;
         G.   Statement and depiction of off-street parking for the proposed building indicating the number of spaces for the physically challenged (handicapped) and regular spaces provided;
         H.   Storm and sanitary sewer ties;
         I.   Surface drainage flow;
         J.   Underground wiring;
         K.   Outside lighting;
         L.   Mechanical equipment including, but not limited to, heating and air conditioning, wind and solar energy facilities whether such facilities are proposed on the roof of the building or elsewhere on the site, and the appropriate screening therefor;
         M.   Screened trash receptacles, if outside building;
         N.   Sidewalks; and,
         O.   Landscaping plan.
         P.   Location and size of any structure/vault required by The City of Akron Water Department.
         Q.   Other information as may be required by staff and consultants.
      (3)   Architectural Drawings. Detailed architectural drawings for all proposed principal and accessory buildings including floor plans and elevations of the front, rear and two (2) sides of the building, together with additional views or cross sections, as necessary, to completely depict the exterior appearance of the structure.
         A.   All elevations shall be drawn to the same scale, and be drawn at a reasonable scale to enable the architect and Planning Commission to adequately review the information submitted.
         B.   Each elevation shall show the accurate location of windows, doors, portals and other architectural features and all materials and finishes.
         C.   Samples of colors and building materials, colored renderings, and photographs of the site shall accompany the elevations as necessary to convey the appearance of the structure.
         D.   Drawings may be submitted in an electronic format compatible with the City's systems. Paper drawings may be submitted provided that the sheet size does not exceed thirty-six (36)" x forty-two (42)".
      (4)   Materials, design and location of all sidewalks, fences, light poles, trash receptacles, benches and other similar amenities.
      (5)   The layout and design of any outdoor plazas, including the location of any landscaping and lighting features and a list of amenities such as chairs, tables and other similar features planned to be used in the outdoor plaza.
      (6)   The location of any appurtenant and/or accessory structures and a general description of any plans to screen such structures including materials to be used.
   (c)   Number of Copies to be Submitted. With respect to all plans, plats and other documents required in this section, the applicant shall submit the number of copies as determined by the Zoning Administrator.
   (d)   Waiver of Submittal Requirements. The Zoning Administrator may waive any of the submittal requirements in this section if, in his or her opinion, and based on recognized planning or engineering principles and in an effort to achieve the goals of this Zoning Code, they are unnecessary to determine compliance with appropriate codes and ordinances. Such waiver shall not be construed to authorize the reduction or waiver of any of the zoning standards, regulations, or other requirements of the Zoning Code.
   When the application is required by this Code to be submitted to the Planning Commission, the Zoning Administrator shall report such omissions or waivers, and their reasons therefore, to the Planning Commission and the Commission, by the affirmative vote of all members of the Commission in attendance at the meeting at which such omissions or waivers are considered, may approve such omissions or waivers. If the Planning Commission does not so approve, then the applicant shall supplement the plans as directed by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11; Ord. 2020-021A. Passed 6-15-20.)