(a)   Applicability. The following constitute minimum standards which apply to hard surface pavement installations located outside of the public rights-of-way. The pavement design shall be based on soil support values and projected traffic volumes but not less than the following standards. All paving materials and installations shall conform to the State of Ohio Department of Transportation Construction and Material Specifications, published by the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT).
   (b)   Portland Cement Surfaces.
      (1)   Sub-grade preparation. Treatment of installation area shall include removal of all topsoil, loam, roots, and undergrowth; loose, soft or excessively wet soils shall be replaced with premium fill and leveled prior to placement of base material.
      (2)   Base preparation. Concrete shall be placed on a base course to a depth of three inches for residential and six inches for commercial or industrial uses comprised of ODOT 304 aggregate base.
      (3)   Concrete. The mixture of Portland cement concrete shall conform to ODOT item 499 class C-modified. The mix shall be air entrained per specification and otherwise modified to achieve a minimum 28-day flexural strength of 650 psi. Or, any Portland cement concrete mix which is air entrained and has a minimum compressive strength of 3,500 psi shall constitute an acceptable alternative. Concrete shall be poured to a depth of four inches for residential and six inches for commercial or industrial uses.
      (4)   Reinforcement optional. The concrete may be installed using a ten gauge welded wire fabric reinforcement with a six inch by six inch maximum opening, or fiber reinforced concrete which complies with ASTM C1116 standard specifications is also an acceptable reinforcement option.
      (5)   Surface finish. Surface treatment shall be of a medium broom finish or better.
   (c)   Asphaltic Concrete Surfaces.
      (1)   Sub-grade preparation. Treatment of installation area shall include removal of all topsoil, loam, roots, and undergrowth; loose, soft or excessively wet soils shall be replaced with premium fill and leveled prior to placement of base material.
      (2)   Base preparation. Asphaltic concrete shall be placed on a base course to a depth of six inches comprised of ODOT 304 aggregate base.
      (3)   Asphaltic concrete shall be comprised of a base course of two and one-half inches of ODOT 448 Type II asphaltic concrete and a surface course of ODOT 448 Type I asphaltic concrete leveled to a depth of one and one-half inches.
   (d)   Water permeable surfaces.
      (1)   “Permeable pavement” shall be defined as an area paved with material that permits water penetration into the soil. Permeable pavement may consist of any porous surface materials which are installed, laid or poured.
      (2)   Alternative surfaces engineered to promote water percolation shall comply with the following:
         A.   Sub-grade and sub-base preparation shall be installed per manufacturer specifications or per engineer’s specifications.
         B.   Exposed surface materials are to be reviewed by the City Engineer based on performance expectations similar to that of traditional Portland cement or asphaltic concrete.
(Ord. 90-2009. Passed 4-20-09; Ord. 30-2010. Passed 3-15-10.)