Miscellaneous Regulations
1749.01   Minimum dwelling unit size. (Repealed)
1749.02   Liquefied petroleum gas installations.
1749.03   Urea formaldehyde foam insulation.
1749.04   Permanently installed central air conditioning units.
1749.05   Portable toilets.
1749.06   Shallow foundations.
1749.07   Grading and drainage.
1749.08   Minimum standards for installation of drives, parking, auto maneuvering, walks, patios and dumpster screening areas.
1749.99   Penalty.
   Insulation standards - see Ohio R.C. 3781.21
   Energy-saving tax credit for insulation - see Ohio R.C. 5747.052
   Certificates of Occupancy - see B. & H. 1703.22 et seq.
   Storage, handling and use of liquefied petroleum gas - see F.P. 1590.06
   (EDITOR'S NOTE: Section 1749.01 was repealed by Ordinance 108-2019, passed October 21, 2019. Please see Section 1381.11.)
   All installations of liquefied petroleum gas equipment and the storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gas shall conform to accepted standards of safety as defined by rules and regulations of the Commissioner of Buildings. In addition to such rules and regulations, conformity with Article 30 of the Ohio Fire Code or N.F.P.A. Pamphlet No. 58-83, Standard for the Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases, and N.F.P.A. Pamphlet No. 59-84, Standard for the Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases at Utility Plants, shall be recognized as compliance with accepted standards of safety.
   (a)   The further sale and/or use of urea formaldehyde foam insulation is prohibited within the City.
   (b)   Foam insulation that includes urea, formaldehyde and a third component incorporated therein as part of the compound may be used and sold under the following conditions:
      (1)   Such products shall not be used or sold until they are demonstrated to be free from health, safety and fire hazards by an independent testing laboratory to the satisfaction of the Building Commissioner.
      (2)   Such products shall only be installed by licensed contractors in the City who are currently certified as having been trained in the installation and use of such product, with equipment certified by the manufacturer for such installation, which contractor shall be bonded and produce a liability insurance certificate with a standard ten-day cancellation notification provision to the Building Commissioner with liability limits of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) for bodily injury and five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) for property damage resulting from premises operations, completed operations and general contractual liability.
      (3)   No installation shall be made unless and until the contractor provides the owner of the premises where such product is to be installed with a warning of precautions to be taken during the installation of such product and thereafter, especially the length of time to provide for ventilation after installation the signature of the aforesaid owner on a form acknowledging receipt of such warnings shall be prime-facie evidenced that such notification and warnings were in fact given.
      (4)   No such product shall be installed until the above conditions have been satisfied and until a building permit has been applied for and secured.
(Ord. 239-1981. Passed 9-21-81.)
   Permanently installed residential central air conditioning units, installed after the date of passage of this section, shall be placed at the rear of the house in between the side house lines, but not less than ten feet from any side property line.
(Ord. 42-1993. Passed 3-15-93.)
   (a)   Placement and Uses. The placement and use of self-contained portable toilet units may be permitted on private property only under the following conditions:
      (1)   Industrial and agricultural uses. Portable toilets must be set back from all property lines and street rights-of-way a minimum of 100 feet and in no case shall they be located in front of the Use District setback line.
      (2)   Residential uses.
         A.   Occupied residential dwelling units. An “event” shall consist of the delivery and pick-up of the portable toilet unit. Use of self-contained portable toilet units in conjunction with occupied residences are limited to temporary events a maximum of seven calendar days per event with a maximum of four events per calendar year and at least one month in between events.
         B.   During construction or remodeling. Use of self contained portable toilet units in conjunction with construction or remodeling of residential dwelling units shall be limited to a service period of 30 days.
         C.   Location standards related to residential construction sites. Portable toilet units must be placed on the rear half of the lot no less than 40 feet from any other occupied structure.
      (3)   Commercial uses. Portable toilet units must be placed within work barricade areas and in a location approved by the Building Inspector no less than 40 feet from occupied structures and street rights-of-way.
(Ord. 202-2007. Passed 10-15-07.)
   Structures that are not attached to the dwelling that are of wood or steel platform framed construction are permitted to have foundations that extend to not less than 18 inches in depth below finished grade, provided all of the following apply:
   (a)   The maximum dimension of the structure does not exceed 24 feet in length or width.
   (b)   The maximum height of the structure does not exceed 15 feet when measured to the highest point of the roof.
   (c)   The structure is located a minimum distance of ten feet from the dwelling it serves.
   (d)   The foundation bears upon soil capable of supporting all imposed loads.
   (e)   The foundation is constructed of solid concrete poured at least 12 inches wide continuously around the perimeter of the structure.
   (f)   The foundation is poured monolithically with a minimum four-inch nominally thick concrete floor slab that is reinforced with steel mesh weighing not less than 40 pounds per 100 square feet or equivalent reinforcement that is turned down continuously into the footing.
   (g)   No sheds, porches or other structures are attached increasing the structure's length or width beyond 24 feet or height beyond 15 feet.
   (h)   A six-inch wide concrete curb is constructed around the perimeter of the structure that is a minimum of eight inches above the adjoining grade.
(Ord. 91-2009. Passed 4-20-09.)
   (a)   All disturbed ground areas shall be graded to provide positive drainage in conformance with Chapter 921 and the regulations of the Director of Public Service.
   (b)   Except where approved by the Director of Public Service, a drain shall be provided in the driveway area. The drain and its accompanying sewer shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 921 and regulations of the Director of Public Service.
   (c)   Where a driveway is replaced in its entirety or a detached building in excess of 180 square feet is constructed, the construction shall comply with Chapter 921 as relates to storm water drainage.
(Ord. 91-2009. Passed 4-20-09.)