Conditionally permitted uses are as follows:
A. Bed and Breakfast Establishments.
B. Planned Unit Developments.
C. Residential Planned Unit Developments.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
D. Child Care Facilities, provided the following conditions substantially exist:
1. The minimum lot area shall be thirty thousand (30,000) square feet;
2. The minimum lot frontage shall be one hundred seventy-five (175) feet;
3. The minimum building setbacks shall be fifty (50) feet from the front, side and rear property lines;
4. The minimum parking setback shall be fifty (50) feet from the front property line and thirty (30) feet from the side and rear property lines;
5. In order to minimize any adverse impact on surrounding residential property, they should be placed, to the extent possible:
a. On the extremity of a single-family district if located on a local street; or
b. On a major arterial/collector street;
6. The play area shall be fenced in, so as to provide a safe and secure environment for the children;
7. Drop-off/pick-up should be located so as not to impede traffic safety; and
8. Parking should be located to avoid the necessity for the parent and/or children to cross streets or access driveways.
E. Cluster Housing.
(Ord. 2000-252. Passed 12-18-00; Ord. 2003-31. Passed 2-18-03.)
The minimum lot area and width for properties in the R-MD Residential-Medium Density District are as follows:
A. Single household detached dwelling units shall have a minimum lot area of not less than seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet and a width of not less than sixty (60) feet.
B. Agricultural uses shall have a minimum lot area of not less than five (5) acres and a width of not less than three hundred (300) feet.
C. Other uses shall have a minimum lot area of not less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet and a width of not less than seventy (70) feet.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
The minimum side yard setback for properties in the R-MD Residential-Medium Density District shall be as follows:
A. Single household detached dwellings shall have a minimum side yard of not less than six (6) feet with a total minimum side yard setback of sixteen (16) feet.
B. Other uses shall have a minimum side yard of not less than eight (8) feet with a total minimum side yard setback of eighteen (18) feet.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
The maximum height regulations for properties in the R-MD Residential-Medium Density District are as follows:
A. No principal building shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height.
B. No accessory building shall exceed fifteen (15) feet in height.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
Off-street parking and loading shall be required as specified in Chapter 1175.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)