   The following regulations shall apply to water main details on the preliminary plan:
   (a)   All new water mains shall be constructed with ductile iron pipe, cement lined, Class 52 or thicker. For purposes of this provision, C909 PVCO pipe may be considered as an alternate material to ductile iron pipe.
   (b)   Fire hydrants shall be placed at no greater than 400 foot intervals along residential subdivisions, with one hydrant located at the end of each cul-de-sac, at locations approved by the Elyria Fire Chief or his or her representative.
   (c)   There shall be four control valves at each cross-intersection, three control valves at each tee-intersection and a valve ahead of each fire hydrant installation.
   (d)   Wherever possible, proposed mains shall be connected to existing mains. Dead ends shall not be permitted where it is possible to obtain a closed circuit to a proposed or existing main. The length of a permanent dead-end water main shall not exceed 700 feet.
   (e)   The minimum size of new water mains on residential streets shall be eight inches in diameter. The minimum size of new water mains along streets and all long lines in or adjacent to commercial or industrial zoned land shall be twelve inches in diameter. Six-inch hydrant leads shall not exceed twenty feet in length in any zoning classification.
   (f)   All water service branches from the water mains to the property line shall be installed by and at the expense of the subdivider.
(Ord. 97-297. Passed 12-15-97; Ord. 2022-78. Passed 4-18-22.)
   Each street, avenue and court shall be provided with both sanitary and stormwater sewers adequate for the probable needs thereof, and also with a water main and service pipes adequate for the probable needs thereof. At the time of laying such water main, provisions shall be made for one fire hydrant on each court, and for one hydrant for each 400 feet or less, within each block of each street or avenue, the same to be located at the place or places approved by either the Fire Chief or his or her representative. Such water main and service pipes shall be laid upon the direction of the Safety-Service Director and in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Division of Utilities. The fire hydrants shall be furnished and installed by the developer. The sanitary and storm water sewers shall be constructed under the supervision of the City Engineer and in accordance with the general specifications for sewers contained in Section 1115.05 and other relevant provisions of these Codified Ordinances or any other ordinances of the City. All new residential water mains shall be a minimum of eight inches. Six-inch hydrant leads shall not exceed twenty feet in length. All fire hydrants shall be installed in accordance with the specifications of the City.
(Ord. 97-297. Passed 12-15-97.)
   After the preliminary subdivision plan has been revised as to the engineering details to the satisfaction of the Engineering Division, the subdivider may then make application for inspection of improvements. At the time of making the application, the subdivider must furnish the Engineering Division with four prints of the approved plan. Upon completion of such application and approval thereof, the subdivider is required to make the necessary deposits to cover inspections and testings and also to take out all other necessary permits. The attention of the contractor or the subdivider is directed to the fact that this deposit covers the cost of inspection and the testing of materials required for the construction of the project. At the same time, the necessary permits for street openings and sewer connections should be applied for.
(Ord. 97-297. Passed 12-15-97.)