   (a)   It is hereby established that any charges against any private improvement project shall be based on the actual time spent in review of such plans and of engineering services provided during construction, as determined from engineering cost records of the Engineering Division.
   (b)   The subdivider, or his or her agent, is required to deposit with the City Auditor a sum of money in an amount established by City Council for plan review for each application, before a plan will be considered for review. Furthermore, the developer, or his or her agent, is required to deposit with the City Auditor a sum of money in the amount set forth in Chapter 109 of the Administrative Code, per lot, for inspection of the improvements, if the City Engineering Division is to make the required inspections per the subdivider's agreement. Periodic vouchers shall be drawn by the Engineering Division against this fund for the cost of engineering services as outlined. The right is reserved by the Engineering Division to call for additional deposits to this fund, from the developer, if the original deposit proves inadequate.
   (c)   When the City Engineer certifies that no further field engineering services will be required for the improvement, the City Auditor shall refund any balance remaining in the account to the developer.
(Ord. 97-297. Passed 12-15-97.)
   (a)   A preliminary subdivision plan consists of a preliminary plan drawing and a preliminary improvement plan. The preliminary plan shall show all existing and proposed facilities which are required by these Subdivision Regulations. The preliminary improvement plan may be drawn in plan view only, and it may be drawn on the same drawing as the preliminary plan.
   (b)   The following requirements shall apply to preliminary plans submitted to the City:
      (1)   Developers of subdivisions are required to indicate on the drawing the engineering details of all existing and proposed facilities and services, including street pavements, sidewalks, sanitary and storm sewers, water mains and street lighting. These facilities and services shall be designed by an engineer in private practice, who must be a registered professional engineer in the State of Ohio.
      (2)   Every plan or subdivision improvement plan, when filed with public authorities for review and approval, must bear the stamp of the seal prescribed by the State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Surveyors in the State of Ohio. Plans not bearing such stamp shall not be given consideration and shall be returned to the developer.
      (3)   All elevations shown on the preliminary improvement plans and on the final improvement plans shall be referenced to the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Bench Mark System. The location and elevation of bench marks shall be shown on the plans.
      (4)   All drawings shall be made on sheets twenty-four inches by thirty-six inches in size.
      (5)   The plan shall be drawn to a scale of twenty feet to the inch or less. The profile shall be drawn to the same scale horizontally and five feet to the inch vertically. However, the same scale shall be maintained throughout any one project. Where necessary, an enlarged drawing shall be made to show details.
      (6)   The location and size of all existing features and any other data which may be pertinent to the City Engineer in reviewing or checking the plans shall be shown or noted.
      (7)   The title of the plan must contain the name of the subdivision, the street, road and/or court names, and the City, County and location of the plan. Space shall be provided on the title sheet or the first sheet of the plan for approval by the proper authorities.
(Ord. 97-297. Passed 12-15-97.)
   The following requirements shall apply to highway details on the preliminary plan:
   (a)   Plan.
      (1)   The plan of street improvements in the subdivision shall show the stations and angles to all intersecting streets and turn-arounds. All intersecting streets shall have a minimum curb radius of twenty-five feet. Where new streets intersect existing arterial streets, the edge of the pavement or the back of the curb shall have a minimum radius of thirty-five feet.
      (2)   Where a proposed street ends in a cul-de-sac, a tee or ball-shape turn-around will be acceptable. If a ball-shape turn-around is proposed, the minimum curb radius shall be forty-four feet.
      (3)   The limits of the proposed pavement shall be clearly indicated and all side streets shall be paved within the limits of the subdivision.
   (b)   Roadway Section. All concrete pavements shall have an overall minimum width of twenty-eight feet (back to back of curb) and a minimum thickness of eight inches. The concrete pavement shall be placed on a granular stone base of not less than four inches of thickness. The integral rolling curb shall have a depth of four inches. The entire right-of-way of all streets, including side streets, shall be graded the full width between property lines.
   (c)   Sidewalks and Handicapped Ramps. One-course four inch thick [six inches thick at driveways] concrete sidewalks shall be constructed on walkways, at intersections, on the long side of corner lots and along both sides of street connections, and at such other locations in the subdivision as approved by the Planning Commission, by and at the expense of the subdivision developer. Sidewalks shall be constructed in front of new buildings by the builder of the building. Handicapped ramps shall be constructed by the developer at each intersection, of a design that meets State Code requirements.
   (d)   Connections to Existing Pavements. Details of connections to existing pavements shall be shown with particular care as to elevation to maintain proper grade and proposed grades. Proposed grades shall be at the proper elevation to maintain grading with the existing pavement.
(Ord. 97-297. Passed 12-15-97.)
   The following regulations shall apply to storm and sewer details on the preliminary plan:
   (a)   Storm Sewers. Storm sewers are to be closed conduits which convey stormwater run-off from a drainage area to an outlet. Storm sewers are to be designed to carry the peak rate of run-off from a design storm without having ponding of water. The storm sewers do not have to be designed to carry all of the run-off during infrequent major storms fast enough to avoid the local ponding of water on the streets or the overland run-off. The grades of the streets and the development of a major storm surface drainageway plan shall be considered while designing the improvements for the subdivision. Storm sewers shall be designed with the following minimum requirements:
      (1)   The peak design discharge flow rates shall be determined using the Rational Method for drainage areas of less than 200 acres. The basic formula for the Rational Method is: Q=CiA.
      (2)   Storm sewer pipes shall be sized to carry a ten-year storm without flowing under pressure. However, this requirement for ten-year storm sewer pipes shall not apply to the existing outlet pipe originally planned to serve additional areas with future extensions. The following locations are areas where the ten-year storm criteria shall not require construction of the outlet storm sewer:
         A.   Greenbriar Subdivision, #2 and higher
         B.   Robin Park, #8 and higher
         C.   Maslyk Subdivision, #1 and #2
         D.   Hampton Drive and eastward
   In no event shall this exception be construed to mean that any subdivisions given preliminary approval by the Elyria City Planning Commission after the effective date of these Regulations shall be serviced internally by less than a ten-year size storm sewer pipe.
      (3)   The rainfall intensity ("i" in the rational method), in inches per hour, expressed for different times of concentration, shall be as follows:
Concentration Time
Storm Frequency
Concentration Time
Storm Frequency
2 Year
5 Year
10 Year
25 Year
50 Year
100 Year
5 Minutes
10 Minutes
15 Minutes
20 Minutes
30 Minutes
40 Minutes
50 Minutes
60 Minutes
      (4)   The minimum pipe slope shall be the slope determined by finding the slope that produces an average velocity of flow of three feet per second for a two-year storm.
      (5)   The minimum storm sewer pipe diameter shall be twelve inches.
      (6)   The maximum allowable velocity in a pipe or at an outlet point shall be twelve feet per second.
      (7)   The minimum cover for a storm sewer pipe and a house storm lateral pipe shall be one foot of clearance between the bottom of the pavement's granular base to the top of the outside of the pipe.
      (8)   The hydraulic design of the storm sewers shall be based on the Manning equation.
      (9)   The roughness coefficient, Mannings "n", shall be 0.013 for concrete pipes. Other materials, if approved for use by the City Engineer, shall have "n" values as published in the American Society of Civil Engineering Manual on Engineering Practice No. 37.
      (10)   The storm sewer pipe shall be laid on a straight line on a straight grade, except for radius pipe.
      (11)   Radius pipe shall be used for changes of direction of more than forty-five degrees on pipes of thirty-six inches in diameter or larger.
      (12)   Manholes or access structures shall be located at junctions of conduits (including the street inlet connections to the storm sewer), at changes in direction, at changes in slope and near the midpoint of radius pipe locations. The maximum spacing of manholes or access structures shall be 400 feet for pipes forty-two inches in diameter and smaller, and 575 feet for pipes forty-eight inches in diameter and larger.
      (13)   Street inlets shall be located at not more than 400 feet from high points or from previous inlets on a grade sloping in the same direction.
      (14)   All grades shall be designed such as to divert surface waters and surface drainage into underground storm drainage systems and to prohibit the diversion of water to adjacent lots.
   (b)   Sanitary Sewers; Details of Design and Construction. Sanitary sewers shall be designed with the following minimum requirements:
      (1)   Minimum size of sewer. No public gravity sanitary sewer conveying raw wastewater shall be less than eight inches in diameter.
      (2)   Depth of sewer. In general, sanitary sewers shall be sufficiently deep to receive wastewater from basements and to prevent freezing. Insulation shall be provided for sewers and building sewer laterals that cannot be placed at a depth sufficient enough to prevent freezing.
      (3)   Minimum slope of sewer. All sewers shall be designed and constructed to give mean velocities, when flowing full, of not less than two feet per second, based on the Manning formula using an "n" value of 0.013. The following are the recommended minimum slopes which shall be provided. However, slopes greater than these are more desirable.
Sewer Size
Minimum Slope in Feet per 100 Feet
Sewer Size
Minimum Slope in Feet per 100 Feet
8 inches
10 inches
12 inches
14 inches
15 inches
16 inches
18 inches
21 inches
24 inches
      (4)   Minimize solids deposition. The pipe diameter and slope shall be selected to obtain the greatest practical velocities to minimize settling problems. Oversized sewers shall not be utilized to justify using flatter slopes. The actual depths and velocities at minimum, average and design maximum day and peak-hour flow for each design section of the sewer, shall be calculated by the design engineer and shall be included with the plans submitted to the City for review.
      (5)   Slope between manholes. Sewers shall be laid with a uniform slope between manholes.
      (6)   High-velocity protection. Where velocities greater than fifteen feet per second are attained, special provisions shall be made to protect against displacement by erosion and impact.
      (7)   Alignment of sewers. Sewers twenty-four inches in diameter and smaller shall be laid with straight alignment between manholes. Straight vertical alignment shall be controlled by a laser beam. Curvilinear alignment of sewers larger than twenty-four inches may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
      (8)   Change in pipe size. When a sewer joins a larger one, the invert of the larger sewer should be lowered sufficiently to maintain the same energy gradient. An approximate method for securing these results is to place the eight-tenths depth point of both sewers at the same elevation.
      (9)   Sewer extensions. Main trunk sewer extensions shall be designed (grade and size) for projected service area design flows.
      (10)   Materials. Sanitary sewers shall be constructed of either PVC, clay or DI cement-lined pipe.
      (11)   Installation. The trenching, bedding, haunching, initial backfilling and final backfilling shall be completed as per City specifications, as established in the Engineering Division office.
      (12)   Deflection tests. A deflection test shall be performed on all flexible pipes not less than sixty days after installation. No pipe shall exceed a deflection of five percent. If the deflection exceeds five percent, replacement shall be accomplished in accordance with the requirements of the specifications. The deflection test shall be conducted with a mandrel having a diameter of not less than ninety-five percent of the inside sewer diameter. The test shall be performed without any mechanical pulling devices.
      (13)   Leakage tests. A leakage test, with either water or low pressure air testing methods, shall be completed as per City specifications, as established in the Engineering Division office.
      (14)   Manhole locations. Manholes shall be installed at the end of each line, at all changes in grade, size or alignment, at all intersections and at distances not greater than 400 feet for sewers sixteen inches or less in diameter, and 500 feet for all sewers eighteen to thirty inches in diameter. Greater spacing, up to 600 feet, may be permitted by the City Engineering Division on sewers larger than thirty inches in diameter.
      (15)   Drop manholes. Drop manholes shall be constructed with an outside drop connection when the sewer entering the manhole is at an elevation of twenty-four inches or more above the manhole invert. The entire outside drop connection shall be encased in concrete.
      (16)   Manhole diameter. The minimum inside diameter of manholes shall be forty-eight inches. Larger diameters are required for larger sewers. A minimum access diameter of twenty-one inches shall be provided.
   (c)   Sanitary Sewage Lift Stations.
      (1)   Where required to provide the minimum depth for sanitary sewers, a sanitary sewage lift station shall be constructed, unless other provisions for sewage flow are approved by the Planning Commission.
      (2)   Sanitary sewage lift stations shall be located on permanent easements outside of the minimum right-of-way required for street purposes. The stations, for maintenance purposes, shall be accessible by a paved driveway to the station and shall include an off-street parking area when located along arterial streets.
      (3)   The sanitary sewage lift station shall have not less than two pumps, each of which shall have the design capacity to pump sewage at the peak design flow rate, based on the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency's recommended flow volumes. The lift station shall be able to handle the peak design flow with the largest pump out of service.
      (4)   The wet well storage volume shall be large enough that, after failure of the pump to operate for any reason, sewage may continue to flow for two hours at average design flow rates into the system (including the sewer line) before reaching the elevation point in the crown of the sewer line where the lowest house lateral is connected.
      (5)   Except for individual home pumps used for pressure sewer systems, the sanitary sewage lift station shall be designed as suction lift. The suction lift station design requirement may be modified by the City Engineer provided that there is sufficient design and operational documentation available to substantially justify that an alternative pump design is appropriate for the specific conditions. The determination by the City Engineer as to the appropriateness of a suction lift design or an alternative design resides entirely with the City Engineer and is not subject to an appeal.
      (6)   Sanitary sewage lift stations shall have a permanent stand-by power generator or secondary source of electrical power. To be considered a secondary source of electrical power, it must come from a different utility substation. Any generator furnished shall be driven by either a diesel or natural gas engine.
      (7)   Sanitary sewage lift stations shall be equipped for connection to the City's SCAD A system and alarm sending unit.
(Ord. 97-297. Passed 12-15-97; Ord. 2018-98. Passed 7-9-18.)
   The following regulations shall apply to water main details on the preliminary plan:
   (a)   All new water mains shall be constructed with ductile iron pipe, cement lined, Class 52 or thicker. For purposes of this provision, C909 PVCO pipe may be considered as an alternate material to ductile iron pipe.
   (b)   Fire hydrants shall be placed at no greater than 400 foot intervals along residential subdivisions, with one hydrant located at the end of each cul-de-sac, at locations approved by the Elyria Fire Chief or his or her representative.
   (c)   There shall be four control valves at each cross-intersection, three control valves at each tee-intersection and a valve ahead of each fire hydrant installation.
   (d)   Wherever possible, proposed mains shall be connected to existing mains. Dead ends shall not be permitted where it is possible to obtain a closed circuit to a proposed or existing main. The length of a permanent dead-end water main shall not exceed 700 feet.
   (e)   The minimum size of new water mains on residential streets shall be eight inches in diameter. The minimum size of new water mains along streets and all long lines in or adjacent to commercial or industrial zoned land shall be twelve inches in diameter. Six-inch hydrant leads shall not exceed twenty feet in length in any zoning classification.
   (f)   All water service branches from the water mains to the property line shall be installed by and at the expense of the subdivider.
(Ord. 97-297. Passed 12-15-97; Ord. 2022-78. Passed 4-18-22.)
   Each street, avenue and court shall be provided with both sanitary and stormwater sewers adequate for the probable needs thereof, and also with a water main and service pipes adequate for the probable needs thereof. At the time of laying such water main, provisions shall be made for one fire hydrant on each court, and for one hydrant for each 400 feet or less, within each block of each street or avenue, the same to be located at the place or places approved by either the Fire Chief or his or her representative. Such water main and service pipes shall be laid upon the direction of the Safety-Service Director and in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Division of Utilities. The fire hydrants shall be furnished and installed by the developer. The sanitary and storm water sewers shall be constructed under the supervision of the City Engineer and in accordance with the general specifications for sewers contained in Section 1115.05 and other relevant provisions of these Codified Ordinances or any other ordinances of the City. All new residential water mains shall be a minimum of eight inches. Six-inch hydrant leads shall not exceed twenty feet in length. All fire hydrants shall be installed in accordance with the specifications of the City.
(Ord. 97-297. Passed 12-15-97.)
   After the preliminary subdivision plan has been revised as to the engineering details to the satisfaction of the Engineering Division, the subdivider may then make application for inspection of improvements. At the time of making the application, the subdivider must furnish the Engineering Division with four prints of the approved plan. Upon completion of such application and approval thereof, the subdivider is required to make the necessary deposits to cover inspections and testings and also to take out all other necessary permits. The attention of the contractor or the subdivider is directed to the fact that this deposit covers the cost of inspection and the testing of materials required for the construction of the project. At the same time, the necessary permits for street openings and sewer connections should be applied for.
(Ord. 97-297. Passed 12-15-97.)
   (a)   The construction of pavements, driveway aprons, water mains and sanitary sewer extensions within the public road right-of-way must meet City standards.
   (b)   Permission for any deviations from the general specifications must be obtained in writing from the City Engineer.
   (c)   The contractor for the subdivider is required to notify the Engineering Division as to the date on which the work will start and when a City inspector will be required. It is necessary that the contractor give the Engineering Division at least twenty-four hours notice in each instance where an inspector is to be provided, except when the inspector will be needed on a Monday, in which case the notification must be received on the preceding Friday.
   (d)   Inspection on private improvements will extend to any and all parts of the work done under the application and will be on a parity with that on City contracts. Any defects noted by the City Engineer shall be corrected before the contractor leaves the project. No refund of any balance due the subdivider from the established fund will be made until the defects are corrected.
(Ord. 97-297. Passed 12-15-97.)
   The developer shall be responsible for the installation of street lighting, with underground wiring, using materials and installation standards approved by the local electric company, along new streets in the subdivision. Installation of street lighting shall be in accordance with a street lighting location plan approved by the City Engineer. A minimum of two street lights, one on each side of the house to be occupied, shall be installed and operational before the issuance of an occupancy permit. The City shall be responsible for the cost of operating the street lights as soon as they meet the approval of the local electric company and the City of Elyria and are placed into service.
(Ord. 97-297. Passed 12-15-97.)