(a)   The construction of pavements, driveway aprons, water mains and sanitary sewer extensions within the public road right-of-way must meet City standards.
   (b)   Permission for any deviations from the general specifications must be obtained in writing from the City Engineer.
   (c)   The contractor for the subdivider is required to notify the Engineering Division as to the date on which the work will start and when a City inspector will be required. It is necessary that the contractor give the Engineering Division at least twenty-four hours notice in each instance where an inspector is to be provided, except when the inspector will be needed on a Monday, in which case the notification must be received on the preceding Friday.
   (d)   Inspection on private improvements will extend to any and all parts of the work done under the application and will be on a parity with that on City contracts. Any defects noted by the City Engineer shall be corrected before the contractor leaves the project. No refund of any balance due the subdivider from the established fund will be made until the defects are corrected.
(Ord. 97-297. Passed 12-15-97.)