A.   Public schools are subject to the following special rules:
      1.   Public schools are subject to the following service fee structure:
         a.   Public schools are subject to annual registration rules (i.e., providing information on the alarm system and contact information), but are not required to pay the annual alarm registration fee.
         b.   False alarms will be fined/penalized utilizing the standard false alarm fine schedule. (See Eloy Police Department fee schedule on website.)
   B.   To qualify for the special rules and exemptions under this section, an alarm site must meet the following criteria:
      1.   The site is located within the Municipal boundaries of the City of Eloy; and
      2.   The site is a public school serving children in one or more of grades K-12.
      3.   Public schools are subject to suspension of registration as described in section 13-22.16 of this chapter.
   C.   The Alarm Administrator may make any other special rules and exceptions as are deemed necessary to assure that appropriate protection and accountability is maintained at public schools. (Ord. 17-871, 8-14-2017)