General Provisions
   30.01   Official bonds
   30.02   Compensation of city officers and employees
   30.03   Federal Social Security
   30.04   City to be participating public employer; state employees’ retirement system adopted
   30.05   Indemnification of certain officers and employees
   30.06   No smoking policy in Council chambers
Competitive Bidding
   30.20   When required; publication of notice
   30.21   [Reserved]
   30.99   Penalty
Charter reference:
    Corporate name and powers of city, see Char. Sections 1.01, 1.02
   General powers and duties of the Council, see Char. Article II
   Administration and enforcement of the Building Code, see § 150.036
   Animal humane officer, see § 90.13
   Board of Zoning Appeals, see §§ 152.210 through 152.217, 152.230 through 152.232 and 152.245 through 152.251
   Department of sanitation’s duties with respect to garbage collection, see § 50.02
   Elections generally, see Ch. 35
   Fire Chief generally, see §§ 92.035, 92.036
   Fire Department, see §§ 92.035 through 92.041
   Firefighter’s Civil Service Commission, see § 92.037
   Firefighter’s Pension and Relief Fund, see §§ 92.055 and 92.056
   Interference with city personnel generally, see § 130.010
   Municipal Court, see Ch. 37
   Office of Building Official generally, see § 150.002
   Police Civil Service Commission, see § 34.01
   Police generally, see Ch. 34
   Police Pension and Relief Fund, see §§ 34.15, 34.16
   Powers and duties of nuisance abatement and enforcement officer, see §§ 91.080, 91.081
   Public utility service tax, see Ch. 36
   Sanitary Board, see Ch. 52
   Water Committee, see § 51.02
Statutory reference:
   For state law as to cities, towns and villages generally, being the Municipal Code of West Virginia, see W.Va. Code Ch. 8