(A)   The Mayor, Council members and other city officers and employees shall receive such salaries and wages as may be provided for them, from time to time, by the Council in the annual budget or other ordinances; provided, that the salary of no city officer shall be increased or diminished during his or her term.
   (B)   The Council may prescribe compensation, in addition to the compensation paid Council members, to the Chairperson of any standing or special committee when such Chairperson has arduous duties to perform, beyond those expected of a Council member; when such services are performed upon any project for which a bond issue is in force, such additional compensation may be paid from the proceeds of the bond issue, unless prohibited by state law.
   (C)   Except as may be provided otherwise in this code or other ordinance, all fees paid to city officers and employees shall be deemed to be moneys belonging to the city, and shall be paid over to the City Collector and Treasurer, or other officer designated by this code or other ordinance, by the recipients thereof, no less frequently than once each week.
   (D)   Members of Council and the Mayor may, in a writing directed to the City Treasurer, at the beginning of the terms of their offices but prior to being sworn in, elect to receive less than the maximum compensation which is provided for at the beginning of said term. This written election as to compensation may be reviewed and revised by the individual requesting it for each subsequent term for which he or she has been elected to serve, if he or she shall serve more than one term, provided that such revision occurs at the beginning of the new term but before being sworn into said office.
(1991 Code, § 2-2) (Ord. 165, passed 3-21-2013; Ord. 188, passed 2-5-2015)
Charter reference:
   Authority of Council to fix compensation, see Char. Section 2.03
Statutory reference:
   Authority of Council, by ordinance, to fix the compensation of city officers and employees, notwithstanding any Charter provision to the contrary, see W.Va. Code § 8-5-12