97.001 Superintendent; appointment, duties generally
97.002 Control of cemeteries
97.003 Promulgation and enforcement of rules
97.004 Superintendent a special policeman to eject violators
97.005 When burials prohibited
97.006 When open to public
97.007 Entering cemetery after closing hours
97.008 Advertisements, posters and the like
97.009 Trucks and wagons forbidden
97.010 Riding of bicycles, horses and motorcycles prohibited
97.011 Driving on roads; speed limit
97.012 Parking
97.013 Firearms
97.014 Disturbances
97.015 Defacing or removing property generally; flowers and the like
97.016 Defacing or removing monuments and the like
97.017 Dogs and fowl
97.018 Grave mounds; permanent boxes, urns and the like on grave plots
97.019 Trees, shrubs, other plants, floral arrangements; planting and removal
97.020 Removal or pruning when plants detrimental
97.021 Removal of non-conforming or unsightly flowers
97.022 Number of floral arrangements allowed during certain period; exception
97.023 Interment; notice
97.024 Interment records to be kept
Monuments, Mausoleums, Markers, Coping and the Like
97.040 Monument specifications; foundations
97.041 Mausoleum locations; specifications; foundations
97.042 Markers; placement; specifications
97.043 Markers to be at grade level
97.044 Erection of objectionable monuments and the like, prohibited; removal of damaged and the like
97.045 Enclosures around lot or grave spaces
Sale of Lots or Plots
97.060 Charges for cemetery lots
97.061 Cash sales
97.062 Further provisions as to sale to non-residents
97.063 Sales to corporations and business concerns
97.064 Speculation prohibited
97.065 Limitation on number of lots a person may purchase
97.066 Procedure for transfer
97.080 Definitions
97.999 Penalties