General Provisions
96.001 Display of street addresses on all houses and business buildings; required
Driveway Cuts
96.015 Purpose
96.016 Definitions
96.017 Procedures
96.018 Appeal process
96.019 Permit required
96.020 Presumption
96.021 Punishment
96.022 Adoption date
Construction of Streets and Sidewalks
96.035 Permit required for cutting of street or sidewalk
96.036 Application for permit
96.037 Adjustment of fee
96.038 Disposition of fees
96.039 Openings to be filled
Poles, Wires and Conduits
96.055 Permits limited to single lines
96.056 By agreement, separate lines or wires on same poles
96.057 Care and inspection of poles
96.058 Use of poles and underground conduits for town purposes
Use of Streets
96.075 Storage or display of merchandise, goods, equipment or tools prohibited
96.999 Penalty