Existing buildings or portions thereof presently used for residential purposes, may continue to be occupied for residential purposes if:
(a) The building complies with the provisions of this Code, except as to any variance heretofore specifically granted by the City; and
(b) The use and occupancy of the building is not in violation of any City ordinance and applicable statutes of the State, including any rules and regulations adopted pursuant to such ordinances or statutes.
(Ord. 1986-118. Passed 9-23-86.)
In the event of conflict between any provisions of this Code, including any rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this Code, any City ordinances, including any rules and regulations adopted pursuant to such ordinances, the provisions of which establish the highest standard for the protection of health, safety and welfare, shall prevail, and nothing in this chapter shall be construed to supersede, limit, modify or replace any of the powers or duties of the Board of Health, Fire Chief or Chief Building Official.
(Ord. 1986-118. Passed 9-23-86.)
The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of the Code:
(a) "Accessory building" means a secondary or appurtenant building, the use of which is incidental or accessory to that of the main building, and which is attached thereto or located on the same premises.
(b) "Code" means the Residential Building and Property Maintenance Code being Chapter 1387 of the Codified Ordinances of the City.
(c) "Chief Building Official" means the person, or his authorized representative responsible for the administrative planning, organization and supervision of the Building Department under the general direction of the Director of Public Safety, as outlined in Section 135.01 of the Codified Ordinances.
(d) "Dwelling" means a building designed for and occupied exclusively for residential use including one-family, two-family and multi-family dwellings, but not including hotels, boardinghouses, tourist homes, tents and trailers.
(e) "Foundation" means construction primarily below grade which provides support for exterior walls or other structural parts of a building or structure.
(f) "Private garage" means a building or part thereof accessory to a main building and providing for the storage of passenger automobiles and in which no occupation, business or service for profit is carried on.
(g) "Multiple family dwelling" means a building or portion thereof consisting of two or more dwelling units. It includes apartment houses, apartment hotels, flats, group or row houses.
(h) "Apartment building" means a multi-family dwelling comprised of two or more dwelling units, i.e. apartments and each having a separate entrance or entrances.
(i) "Noxious weeds" means any of the following: Shatter cane (sorghum bicolor), Russian thistle (salsola kali or tenuifolia), Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense), Wild parsnip (Pastinance sativa), Wild carrot (Queen Ann's Lace or Daucus carota), Oxeye daisy (Crysanthermum leucanthemum or pinnatifidum), Wild mustard (Brassica kaber or pinnatifida), Grapevines: when growing in groups of one hundred or more and not pruned, sprayed, cultivated or otherwise maintained, Field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis), Quackgrass (Agropyron repens), Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense), Hoary cress (Cardaria draba), Hairy whitetop or Ballcress (Cardaria Pubescens), Perennial sowthistle (Sonchus arvensis), Russian Knapweed (Centaurea picris), Leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula), Hedge bindweed (Convolvulus sepium), Serrated Tussock (Nassella Trichotoma), Dodder (Cuscuta spp), Horsenettle (Solanum Carolinese), Corncockle (Agrostemma githago), Wild garlic (Allium veneale), Wild onion (Allium canadense), Curley dock (Rumex Crispus), French weed (Thlaspi arvense), Buckhorn (Plantago lanceolate), Baneberry (Actaea rubra and Actaea alba), Bittersweet (Solanum dullcamara), Castor bean (Ricinus communis), Christmas rose (Helleborus niger), Deadly Nightshade (Atropa belladonna), Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea), Green Hellebore (Veratrum viride), Jimson weed (Datura stramonium and Datura tatula), Poison hemlock (Conium maculatum), Poison ivy (Rhus Toxicodendron), and Poison oak (Rhus Toxicodendron).
(j) “Owner” means any person, who, alone or jointly or severally with others, shall have legal or equitable title to any premises, with or without the accompanying actual possession thereof, or shall have charge, care or control as owner or agent of the owner, or as executor, administrator, trustee, receiver or guardian of an estate, or as a mortgagee in possession.
(k) “Rental unit” means a single family residence which is occupied by a tenant or tenant(s) for a stated return, consideration or payment usually as fixed intervals.
(Ord. 1996-223. Passed 10-22-96.)