Article I. General Street and Sidewalk Provisions
4.1 Definitions
4.2 Street names
4.3 Street numbers
4.4 Damage and obstruction prohibited
4.5 Permits and bonds
4.6 Street openings; permits; insurance
4.7 Emergency street openings
4.8 Backfilling
4.9 Sidewalk openings
4.10 Utility poles
4.11 Maintenance of installations in street
4.12 New paving
4.13 Sewer and water connections
4.14 Determination of necessity of water and sewer connections
4.15 Prohibited openings
4.16 Reserved
4.17 Reserved
Article II. Curb Cuts
4.18 Permit required; conditions
4.19 Reserved
Article III. Street or Sidewalk Obstructions
4.20 Permit to obstruct; insurance
4.21 Pedestrian passage
4.22 Reserved
Article IV. Safety Requirements
4.23 Safeguards
4.24 Shoring excavations
4.25 Reserved
Article V. Housing Moving
4.26 Permit requirements; moving operations
Article VI. Additional Regulations
4.27 Authority of City Manager to make additional regulations
4.28 Responsibility for driveway approaches, retaining walls and areaways
4.29 Driveway approaches, retaining walls and areaways not in good repair
4.30 Removal of encroachments
4.31 Temporary street closings
4.32 Vacating streets
4.33 Sanctions and penalties
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
DEPARTMENT. The Department of Public Works.
DIRECTOR. The Director of Public Works, or designee.
STREET. All of the land lying between property lines on either side of all streets, alleys and boulevards in the city, and includes lawn extensions and sidewalks and the area reserved therefor where the same are not yet constructed.
(Ord. effective 11-16-2018)
All streets shall be known and designated by the names applied thereto on the map of the city known as the street plan, filed with the Department. The naming of any new street or the changing of the name of any street shall be done by resolution, which resolution shall amend the said map and be submitted to the state’s Department of Transportation per Public Act 51.
(Ord. effective 11-16-2018)