General Provisions
   72.001   Places where stopping, standing, and parking prohibited
   72.002   On parkways or private property
   72.003   Near hazardous or congested places generally
   72.015   Designation of stop intersections
   72.016   Hazardous intersections
   72.017   At intersection of through street
   72.018   Stop sign visibility and location at intersection
   72.019   Obedience to stop signs
Unattended Vehicles
   72.030   Duties of driver
   72.031   Authority of police
   72.032   Owner responsibility
Standing and Parking
   72.045   Applicability of subchapter
   72.046   Standing or parking for certain purposes prohibited
   72.047   Manner of parking
   72.048   Erection of signs prerequisite to enforcement
   72.049   Responsibility of owner of vehicle for violation
   72.050   Prohibited or restricted parking areas
   72.051   While streets being swept
   72.052   On narrow streets
   72.053   On one-way streets; generally
   72.054   On dual highways
   72.055   Adjacent to schools
   72.056   Obstructing traffic
   72.057   Recreational vehicles, campers, and trailers
   72.058   Municipal parking lots
   72.059   Parking places for city officials and employees at City Hall
   72.060   Temporary parking ban for designated snow route streets
   72.061   During snow removal
   72.062   Lights on parked vehicles
   72.063   Alley parking and speed limits
Bus and Taxicab Stands; Loading Zones
   72.075   Location of loading zones; generally
   72.076   Use of passenger curb loading zones; generally
   72.077   Use of freight curb loading zones
   72.078   Far side bus stops and taxicab stands
   72.079   Use of bus stop or taxicab stand by vehicles other than buses or taxicabs
   72.080   Parking or stopping buses or taxicabs
   72.081   Manner of loading and unloading buses
   72.082   Permits for curb loading zones; generally
Handicapped Parking
   72.095   Definition of physically handicapped persons
   72.096   Restricted handicapped areas; handicapped individual; residence parking permits
   72.097   Criteria for designating a restricted handicapped area
   72.098   Public agency parking facilities
   72.999   Penalty