A.   Definition: A "solar subdivision" is a development that includes at least seventy percent (70%) "solar lots", which have a minimum north-south dimension of seventy five feet (75') and a front line orientation that is within thirty degrees (30°) of the true east-west axis.
   B.   Solar Access: To facilitate solar access, streets in a solar subdivision shall be oriented in an east-west direction to the maximum extent possible or to within twenty degrees (20°) of such orientation. This requirement shall not apply to preliminary plats approved prior to the effective date hereof, provided the final plat of the preliminary plat is submitted within six (6) months, or to final plats submitted within six (6) months of the preliminary plat approval or to portions of the subdivision where the applicant demonstrates that:
      1.   There are other means of assuring solar access to lots in question, including, but not limited to, cluster development on large parcels or through the use of building setback or solar access easements.
      2.   Topographic conditions on or surrounding the land being subdivided make such orientation unreasonable.
      3.   The shape and size of the property being subdivided make such orientation unreasonable.
      4.   Adopted stormwater management plans or policies indicate a different street orientation.
      5.   Existing or approved future development contiguous to the subject property precludes adequate solar access to the portion in question.
      6.   Existing street patterns contiguous to the subject property make such orientation unreasonable.
      7.   Specific adverse environmental impacts would occur on the site if such orientation were achieved.
      8.   Desirable street circulation patterns require some streets to be in a more north-south direction.
      9.   The final platting of only a portion of an approved preliminary plat precludes changes in remaining portions of the preliminary plat which are necessary to provide adequate solar access to the portion in question. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)