A. Sidewalks shall be required on all public street frontages and constructed of concrete or permeable pavement in accordance with the city and ADA standards.
B. Sidewalks shall be placed five feet (5') behind the curb parallel to the street, unless an exception has been permitted by the city engineer to preserve topographical or natural features or to provide visual interest, or unless the subdivider shows that an alternative pedestrian system provides safe and convenient circulation.
C. In planned developments, sidewalks may be located away from the road system to link dwelling units with other dwelling units, the street and on site activity centers such as parking areas and recreational areas. They may also be required parallel to the street for safety and other reasons.
D. Sidewalk installation shall be the responsibility of the owner of property abutting the public right-of-way. This responsibility shall extend to all successors, heirs and assignees. Sidewalk installation shall be required when the development of a lot has been completed. All vacant lots shall have sidewalks installed upon development of eighty percent (80%) of the lots shown on the approved final plat. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
A. Separate bicycle paths shall be required in accordance with the comprehensive plan.
B. Bicycle lanes, where required, shall be placed in the outside lane of a roadway adjacent to the curb or shoulder. When on street parking is permitted, the bicycle lane may share the parking or travel lane where feasible. Lanes shall be delineated with markings, preferably striping. Raised reflectors or curbs shall not be used. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
A. All sanitary sewer installations for major and minor subdivisions shall be properly connected to an approved and functioning sanitary sewer system in accordance with the City standards.
B. If a public sanitary sewer system will be provided to the area within a three (3) year period as indicated in the comprehensive plan, the City Council may require installation of a capped system within the street or road right-of-way; or the City Council may require a payment in lieu of the improvement.
C. All proposals for new public sanitary sewer systems, extensions to existing public sanitary sewer systems or the installation of a capped system, or use of individual subsurface disposal systems, shall be approved by the City Engineer.
D. The sanitary sewer system shall be adequate to handle the necessary flow based on complete development of the subdivision and extensions of the system to areas beyond the subdivision. Sanitary sewer system design and placement shall comply with the City standards. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)