Satellite dish antennas may be permitted as accessory uses provided a site plan is submitted and approved in accordance with chapter 12 of this title.
   A.   Not more than one ground mounted dish shall be placed on any lot less than one-half (1/2) acre; and
   B.   Dishes shall not exceed ten feet (10') in diameter; and
   C.   Dishes shall be made of noncombustible and corrosive resistant material and erected in a secure, wind resistant manner according to the specifications of the building official; and
   D.   Dishes shall not be used as signs or billboards (on or off premises signs); and
   E.   Ground mounted dishes shall only be permitted in rear yards, except that on corner lots dishes shall be allowed in side yards; and
   F.   Roof mounted satellite dishes shall be allowed in all nonresidential districts provided that the additional requirements shall apply:
      1.   The height does not exceed the maximum height restrictions of buildings within the zoning district; and
      2.   The dish location is a minimum of five feet (5') from any property line; and
      3.   In lieu of a site plan a building elevation drawing shall be required to indicate compliance with height and setback regulations; and
      4.   Shall not exceed either ten feet (10') in diameter for circular shapes or forty (40) square feet for other than circular shapes. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)