A. The special provisions of this section 16-7-5 are intended to regulate the location of payday lending establishments as herein defined, by specifying districts in which such uses may be permitted and requirements for spatial separation of such uses. Nothing in this code shall be construed or interpreted to permit payday lending establishments in areas other than those set forth herein.
B. The provisions of this section 16-7-5 shall govern the location and spatial separation of payday lending establishments in commercial districts and industrial districts, and no such regulated use, as defined, may be permitted except in conformance with these provisions. (Ord. 46-14, 7-21-2014)
PAYDAY LENDER: A company that: a) accepts a check dated subsequent to the date it was written; and/or b) accepts a check on the date it was written and holds the check for a period of time prior to deposit or presentment pursuant to an agreement with, or any representations made to, the maker of the check, whether expressed or implied. (Ord. 46-14, 7-21-2014)
A. Establishments may be established within any commercial or industrial zoning district, but shall not be located within one thousand two hundred feet (1,200') of any residential district.
B. No payday lending establishment shall be located within two thousand five hundred feet (2,500') of any other payday lending establishment. (Ord. 46-14, 7-21-2014)