16-3-1: Provisions Declared To Be Minimum Standards
16-3-2: General Lot Size Requirements And Standards
16-3-3: Application And Scope Of Regulations
16-3-4: Reduction In Lot Area Prohibited
16-3-5: Obstructions To Vision At Street Intersections Prohibited
16-3-6: Yard Requirements
16-3-7: Accessory Structures And Uses In Residential And Office Residential Districts
16-3-7-1: Accessory Structures And Uses Permitted
16-3-7-2: Bulk Regulations
16-3-7-3: Residential Use Prohibited
16-3-8: Accessory Structures And Uses In All Other Zoning Districts
16-3-9: Accessory Uses Subject To Site Plan Review
16-3-10: Permitted Modifications Of Height Restrictions
16-3-11: Administrative Waiver For Freestanding Solar Array
16-3-12: Fees
16-3-13: Prohibited Uses
16-3-14: Exemption From Regulation
16-3-15: Off Street Parking And Loading
16-3-16: Public Buildings And Uses
16-3-17: Adjustment Of Front Yard Setbacks In R-1, R-2, R-2A, And R-3 Districts
16-3-18: Limited Setback Waiver
16-3-19: Temporary Uses
16-3-20: Construction Promotion Activity
16-3-21: Fences Located On Residential Lots
16-3-21-1: Residential Districts
16-3-21-2: Fences Located At Schools Or In Nonresidential Districts
16-3-21-3: Barbed Wire And Electric Fences
No building shall be built upon a lot without the required minimum frontage along an improved private or public street built to minimum city street standards. No building shall be built upon a lot without a city approved driveway access to a public or private street or alley. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
A. No building, structure, or part thereof, shall hereafter be built, moved or altered, and no building, structure or land shall hereafter be used or occupied upon a lot which is smaller in area than the minimum lot area or minimum lot area per dwelling unit; narrower than the minimum lot width; or shallower than the minimum lot depth required in the zoning district in which the building, structure or land is located.
B. No existing building or structure shall hereafter be built or altered so as to conflict or further conflict with this title.
C. This title expresses bulk regulations in terms of maximum building or structure height, maximum lot coverage, and minimum front, side and rear yards. Unless permitted elsewhere in this title, no building, structure or part thereof, shall hereafter be built, moved or remodeled, and no building, structure or land shall hereafter be used, occupied or designed for use or occupancy so as to exceed the maximum building or structure height, or maximum lot coverage specified for the zoning district in which the building or structure is located.
D. Within residential districts, only one principal permitted use or structure shall be located on a single zoning lot. In other districts, any number of structures or uses permitted by this title may be built, moved, altered, used or occupied, provided that the individual district regulations can be met. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
A. On any corner lot, a visibility triangle shall be provided in which nothing shall be erected, placed, planted or allowed to grow as to materially impede vision from within motor vehicles, between a height of two feet (2') and eight feet (8') above the average grades of the intersecting property lines, in the area bounded by said lines, and a line joining the points of such property lines at a distance of ten feet (10') from the intersection.
B. On any lot, except for those with single-family detached dwellings, duplexes or townhouses of not more than two (2) units, a visibility triangle shall be provided in which nothing shall be erected, planted or allowed to grow so as to materially impede vision from within motor vehicles, between a height of two feet (2') and eight feet (8') above the average grades of the intersecting property line and driveway edge, in an area bounded by said lines and a line joining the points of said property line and driveway edge at a distance of ten feet (10') from the intersection. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)