Whenever any property is affected by these landscape requirements, the property owner or developer shall prepare a landscape plan for submittal to the Planning Director or designee for review.
   (A)   Landscape plan content. The contents of the landscape plan shall include the following:
      (1)   Site plan, drawn to an easily readable scale no smaller than one inch equals 20 feet; showing and labeling by name and dimensions, all existing and proposed property lines, easements, building and other structures, vehicular use areas including parking stalls, driveways, service areas, square footage, etc. locations of structures on adjoining parcels, water outlets and landscape material, including botanical name and common name, installation size, on center planting dimensions where applicable, and quantities for all plants used and all existing trees;
      (2)   Typical elevations and/or cross sections as may be required;
      (3)   Title block with the pertinent names and addresses, property owner, person drawing plan, scale, date, north arrow, generally orient plan so that north is to top of plan and zoning district.
      (4)   Site grading with a minimum of one-foot contour intervals must be included.
   (B)   Implementation of landscaping plan. Where landscaping is required, no building permit shall be issued until the required landscaping plan has been submitted and approved by the Director of the Division of Planning. It shall not be legal to use the property (as opposed to the structure) until landscaping is completed as shown on the approved plan. A performance bond, or irrevocable letter of credit from a banking institution or other such surety acceptable to the Law Director may be substituted for completion of the landscaping as shown on the approved landscaping plan, subject to the approval of the Director of the Division of Planning.
   (C)   Posting of bond or irrevocable letter of credit. After a bond or irrevocable letter of credit has been posted, the landscaping material required in the approved landscaping plan shall be installed within six months after the date of posting the bond or irrevocable letter of credit. A one-month extension of the planting period may be granted by the Planning Division upon a demonstration by the property owner or developer that such an extension is warranted because of adverse weather conditions or unavailability of required plant materials. No more than three such one-month extensions may be granted. Foreclosure proceedings shall be brought against the performance bond or irrevocable letter of credit if the required landscaping plans have not been complied with by the end of the approved planting period.
(Ord. 13-81, passed 5-18-81)
(Ord. 46-97, passed 5-5-97; Am. Ord. 19-02, passed 2-19-02)